Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Slope Formula to Find Rise over Run
Slope Formula to Find Rise over Run The slope formula is sometimes called rise over run. The simple way to think of the formula is: Mrise/run. M stands for slope. Your goal is to find the change in the height of the line over the horizontal distance of the line. First, look at a graph of a line and find two points, 1 and 2. You can use any two points on a line. The slope will be the same between any two points on a straight line.Note the X and Y value for each of the points.Now well designate the X and Y value for points 1 and 2. Well use subscripts to identify them in the slope formula. The formula for the slope of the straight line going through the points (X1, Y1) and (X2, Y2) is given by M (Y2 - Y1) / (X2 - X1) The answer, M is the slope of the line. It can be a positive or negative value. The subscripts are only used to identify the two points. They are not values or exponents. If you find this confusing, you could give the points names instead. How about Bert and Ernie? Point 1 is now Bert and Point 2 is now ErnieLook at the graph and note their X and Y values:(XBert, YBert) and (XErnie, YErnie)The slope formula is now: M (YErnie - YBert) / (XErnie - XBert) Slope Formula Tips and Tricks The slope formula can give a positive or a negative number as a result. In the case of vertical and horizontal lines, it can also give no answer or the number zero. If the slope is a positive value, the line is rising. The technical term is increasing.If the slope is a negative value, the line is descending. The technical term is decreasing.You can check your math by eyeballing the graph. If you got a negative slope but the line is clearly rising, you made an error. If the line is clearly going down and you got a positive slope, you made an error. It could be you mixed up X and Y and points 1 and 2.Vertical lines have no slope. In the equation, you are dividing by zero, which does not produce a number. If a quiz asks the slope of a vertical line, dont say zero. Say it has no slope.Horizontal lines have a zero slope. Zero is a number. In the equation, you are dividing zero by a number and the result is zero. If a quiz asks the slope of a horizontal line, say zero.Parallel lines have equal slopes. If you find the slope of one line, you dont have to run the formula for the other line. They will be the same. This can save you some time and effort.Pe rpendicular lines have negative reciprocal slopes. If two lines cross at a right angle, you can find the slope of one and then change the value for the other to negative or positive.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Micro Elements â Wrong Turn Essays
Micro Elements à ¢ Wrong Turn Essays Micro Elements à ¢ Wrong Turn Essay Micro Elements à ¢ Wrong Turn Essay Wrong Turn is a horror film directed by Rob Schmidt. The theme of horror will instantly attract the viewers into the film as they are always going to be sitting on the edge of their seat. The film is set deep in the woods†¦ but no one’s lived to tell about it, where Chris Finn is on his way to an interview but turns around to avoid traffic and makes the biggest mistake of his life, where there he then crashes into a group of young friends and they are stranded along this long road. The friends then encounter a group of monsters and then face death. I am going to look at the Misc en scene and sound of the Micro Elements in the first 3 minutes of the film. The film starts off with some non-diegetic sound, which gives off a spooky, edgy vibe. As this is going on there is a crane shot of a huge forest with a long road running down the middle of the deep woods, this shot then runs down the forest at speed, whilst the track playing is getting lighter to hear. This then leads to a rocky wall with a long shot of two people both male and female escalating the wall, these actors both have their rock climbing equipment and are doing a good job of climbing the wall, this automatically gives off the image that they know what they are doing and are highly experienced in rock climbing. At this point the track has stopped playing and the diegetic sound comes into play as their cables are crashing into the rocks and the man is groaning as he climbs his way up the wall. The Shot then changes to a medium shot from below as the male character has reached the top of the wall; this gives the male character power as we as viewers are looking up at him. The Male character is then rubbing his hands together to gives off a sense of ease and accomplishment; the diegetic sound now changes to the whistling of the trees as the wind are pushing then around. There is then a quick point of view shot from the male character at the top of the wall, where he is looking out to what’s below and round him, the shot displays the deep woods which is nothing but trees. The shot then changes to a medium close up of the male character and then point of view shot from his view to the women who is still climbing, but at the same time the women is talking to the man asking to help, this shows that the female character is weaker than the male character in that she is asking him to help her go up the wall, the shot then quickly changes, to a point of view from her view loo king up at the man then seeing him walk off out of her view of him. Then more diegetic sound comes in of the women breathing heavily as she is having a difficult time escalating the wall, this may tell us that she isn’t as experienced and as good of a rock climber as us as an audience expected. There is then a close up of the women’s shoe on the rock and then a quick change of close up to her hand trying to grab onto a rock, this then leads to the women falling off the wall and being saved by the mountain climbing ropes attached to her. The women whilst falling off gave a huge scream of â€Å"NO†in disappointment and fear, the camera shot changed to a medium shot following the women as she is falling off the cliff to show her body. This gives us the impression that she is not the most confidant person and probably doesn’t love climbing as much as the male partner. The shot then changes quickly to a medium shot of the man and then again as a point of view shot from the man looking down on the women. Then more diegetic soun d comes in as they talk. When the conversation ends there is then a feint drumbeat, this may intimidate the audience and get them think what’s going to happen. The camera is now a long shot looking down on the women still attempting to climb up the rocky wall, a bird then tweets in the background and you hear a bang and the male character gives a short groan, the women then calls his name. The camera shot then changes to a medium shot of the women from her left side of her still trying to get up this wall, it then jump-cuts to a distance shot of her back and the wall and what’s above her, this may show the audience that she really needs help and the audience are on her side in wanting the male to help pull her up the cliff. The camera then changes to a medium close up from above of the women and then a point of view of the women. These quick changes of shots are effective as they keep the audience excited and are waiting to see what happens next. As the camera is on the women’s point of view the male character at the top of the cliff then falls to the floor and blood runs down the cliff and drops onto her face, the diegetic sound plays of her calling out his name and then the dripping of the blood smashing onto her left cheek. This frightens the audience and adds tension, as they don’t know what has happened, they just know that the male character that is meant to have more power over the female partner is dead. The female character then looks at her hand and then up at the top of the cliff, whilst there is a change of shot with a medium close up of the women’s face and blood near her left eye. The camera shot then changes again quickly to a extreme close up of the male characters hand hanging over the cliff, the hand is then dragged off the screen and there a quick jumps of camera to the women and then from below the cliff where the male character has been chucked off the cliff and is falling, the shot then jumps again to a close up of the women’s face as she watches it happen then turns away, then again to above the cliff and then again to the cables being reeled in fast. All of these really quick and effective camera shots put the audience on the very edge of their set and feel sorrow and mercy for the women, what also makes the audience feel this way is the women’s quick deep screams which make us wake in our boots. The women is now being reeled in fast up the side o f the cliff and is scratching up her legs and hands as there is a medium shot of the women and then a quick jump to an extreme close up of the women’s hand, the camera from now is jumping all over the place from below the women to above her and then to another shot of the cables being reeled in. non diegetic sound comes into play of deep music beats slowly getting faster and faster like a build to a ghastly event. This music really heightens the tension even more than before. Camera shot then jumps to the females climbing equipment that is keeping her attached to the cables, she then grabs out her knife then with an extreme close up of her she cuts down the rope. This appears to the audience that she has saved herself from getting caught at the top of the cliff, but then the camera angle changes to a medium shot of her trying to get to another cable, but then failing and falling off the cliff into grass with a close up of her head, then a point of view shot facing the male partner she has landed next to in the grass, with blood running down his face, and then another close up of the women holding her mouth as if wanting to be sick, the audience are probably frightened but this weird occurring event that has happened in the first 3 minutes of the film, as it has all happened very quickly and been left in tension as they have not seen the killer or his face. To conclude these first few minutes the audience would have felt on the edge of their seat and nearly paralyzed looking at the screen as they hear and see weird events that occur with the blood and the deep banging of the drum in the background track. This quick montage of camera shots in the first few minutes of the film add great effect to the horror theme as they scare the audience and leave them in such fear as what was going to happen next in the film. The sequence starts with a feeling of isolation as the dividers are away from civilization, ‘the rushing in for the camera helps create a feeling of stress and this is added to be the POV shots’ of the man looking down of the women. The audience are helped to quickly identify with the women’s position that is in danger, and it is interesting how this develops when we get his falling and then getting POV shots from her. The fast montage of edits- often close-ups gives specific details about the ropes slipping et c. but restrict us from knowing who is endangering and threatening her. The unknown monster is always the scariest one.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Law of tort, Case study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Law of tort, Case study - Essay Example Legal injuries are not limited to physical injuries but they also include economic, emotional, reputational injuries as well as breach of property, privacy, or constitutional rights. The given case study is related to a tort in which the firm ‘Go Kwick’ is forced to defend itself from legal damages. This paper will critically analyze various legal possibilities that are helpful for Go Kwick to defend itself in a legal suit. Background of the case Go Kwick operates a go cart track and has hired an instructor in order to give lessons to visitors throughout the year. The instructor is obliged to spend the initial ten minutes of the first lesson teaching beginners how to use the equipment properly. However, once the instructor failed to provide adequate information to the beginners and that resulted in the severe head injury of an individual. This unpleasant incident might have been prevented if the individual had taken proper safety measures under the responsibility of the instructor. Similarly; Katrina, the owner of a house near to the go kart track raised her objection against the noise from the track at weekends and during summer evenings. In addition, she argued that kart diesel fumes cause air pollution that exacerbated her asthma. On one occasion, Go Kwick’s one of the fork lift truck was left in front of her house for 24 hours and she was confined to her house whole day as she could not take her car out. Analysis of the facts From the case, we see that a person got severely injured from the cart due to the irresponsible act of the Go Kwick instructor. However, the Go Kwick has clearly stated on their notice board at the entrance that people use equipments at their own risk and Go Kwick accepts no liability for loss or injury howsoever caused. This notification would assist the firm to defend itself in a lawsuit because Go Kwick can convince the court that the firm had given enough warning to the users. Although, the tort laws allow the i ndividuals to file against physical injuries that are caused by the irresponsible acts of service providers, it is not applicable to the aggrieved person in this case since he had been given proper danger signals. Here, the plaintiff may claim that he had not noticed the warning at the entrance gate. However, it is explicitly stated that â€Å"ignorance of law is not an excuse†(Reznek, 1997, p.70). This clause makes the plaintiff obliged to have adequate knowledge regarding various rules and regulations of the Go Kwick firm. Therefore, Go Kwick can easily defend the plaintiff under a lawsuit. At the same time, the company can file a suit against the unlawful act of the instructor since the kart accident has adversely affected the goodwill of the Go Kwick. From the case study, it is identified that the instructor had signed a document which described various duties and responsibilities of the instructors. As discussed earlier, instructors are hired by Go Kwick on a contractua l basis for a period of one year; they are responsible for giving the lessons throughout the year. The case study clearly indicates that the instructor was late for work and hurried through the safety instructions once and that led to the unpleasant incident. It was the duty of the instructor to provide safety harness and a safety helmet; but as Aksel neglected these precautionary practices, it increased the severity of the accident. Aksel’
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Social media and Democracy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Social media and Democracy - Essay Example Political activists use the internet hubs to spread the news of their parties and news of the election. Political activism on the internet has risen all over the world since the 9/11 attack in America. Activists against terror attacks are particularly spreading the word through the internet. The inception of Facebook into the internet has helped and made the activists get a bigger platform to express their views. Popular news networks such as CNN and BBC have Facebook accounts with more than 33million Facebook likes combined. The news networks use the media outlet to communicate the latest news to their fans. The use of social media has made it easy and faster for the news to reach people rather than waiting for prime time to get the news. During the American election season of 2008, new technologies that enabled individuals to participate in online communities’ discussions emerged (Yamamoto, 2010 p. 609). Facebook was very popular by this time, and most politicians used it to pass the message to their supporters. Arguments and trending topics of the political nature were popular among the sites. Twitter is a social network that is more of a mini-blogging site. Individuals can communicate and lay out their thoughts to their followers. Politicians and business people have Twitter accounts where they share news with their followers (Jewitt, 2009 p. 232). Popular news networks are on Twitter that they use to communicate any breaking news. Twitter is a good platform for news networks to convey their messages to people. The 2012 elections in America had a huge coverage on Twitter. There was sharing of opinions, and the use of the hashtag made it easier to reach a large group of people. Politicians shared their agendas for the nation, and it was of big help to them. Twitter increases the popularity of an individual, hence spreading more news countrywide and worldwide. The war and accident
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Four Basic Funtions of Management in Business Management Essay Example for Free
Four Basic Funtions of Management in Business Management Essay Every organization, regardless of size, has developed and implemented its own management concepts in order for it to run smoothly and accomplish the vision, goal, and objective, the company has set forth. The basic functions of management can be broken down into four different areas, allowing the organization to handle the strategic, tactical, and operational decisions (Sanjau, 2007). The four functions of management are essential to building strong teams and stronger organization. Common to all managers, the four functions are planning, organizing, leading, and controlling (Pakhare, 2007). A good manager is able to accomplish all four functions both effectively and efficiently (Bateman Snell, 2009). At Triumph, planning is the foundation in which all management decisions regarding the company will be based upon. The management teams will utilize the planning function to assess the status of the company today, as well as in the upcoming future. Once the management team has an agreed upon plan, and the company’s mission has been established, the team must determine how the desired results will be achieved. The next objective is to establish a goal and the strategies to achieve the goals set forth. After setting the goal the next step the management team will accomplish is to create a time line to complete the objective. The organizing function for the team at Triumph is to formulate the activities, which will include the accounting department, sales department and supply chain involved in helping reach the goal that has been set forth. Once all the different departments are set, it is up to the management team to departmentalize the process and create smaller groups to achieve the goals and objectives. Once the departments create their own teams a clear organizational structure is drawn and all employees are made aware of whom they are accountable too to help reach the goal of the company. Once the departmental teams are in place, the management team can help direct, communicate, motivate and assist the staff in meeting the company’s goals and objectives. At Triumph the management team will have open discussion with departmental teams to create and build positive working environment. In this process the employees feel as though they are part of the decision making and will ultimately help the company reach the desired goals and objectives. The final stage of the four functions of management is to control or establish the performance standard of the company’s objective (Bateman Snell, 2009). In this stage management keeps a close watch to make sure that all teams are on track to complete the goals and objectives that have been set forth and within the timeline. If at this point, it appears that one of the team’s seems to be off track then management will step in and help guide or make any necessary changes. The managers at Triumph know that ignoring any of the four functions can result in the failure of the company. Without using the planning stage first to make sure that all objectives are met and then organizing the plan and leading or motivating the team will result in not obtaining the objective or goal of the company. Managers at Triumph know that the final stage of creating an effective and productive team, one must control the budget, departments and cost efficiency of the work implemented to achieve the objectives. According to Barnes (2008), â€Å"if one can master the four management functions of planning, organizing, leading, and coordinating of resources, their opportunities are endlessâ€
Friday, November 15, 2019
Modernist Opera :: Modernism Music Art Opera Essays
Modernist Opera Modernism, a major artistic movement of the first half of the twentieth century, is traditionally a classification of the visual arts, including such schools as Abstraction, Impressionism, and Expressionism. In architecture, too, was Modernism recognized, in the work of people like Frank Lloyd Wright. Even in literature, with the increasing use of symbolism, Modernism was an influence. Modernists in all of these art forms are consciously engaged in the expansion of the boundaries of their art, and in asking their audiences to reject the status quo, both of the art and of some aspect of society or culture the art form addresses. When faced with a discussion about the possibility of the existence of Modernist opera, classificationists around the world can be heard coughing quietly into their drink and muttering something vague about having somewhere else to be. Until recently, opera and Modernism were two terms rarely, if ever, heard together. The large amount of scholarshi p that has been devoted to the study of Modernism and its principles has not been extended with the same vigour to include its application to opera. Questions have been raised about whether it is even possible to define â€Å"Modernist opera,†and few have attempted such a feat. I confess some confusion as to why the issue raises such difficulties. An examination of just three of the operas written in the time period, Richard Strauss’s Salome, Alban Berg’s Wozzeck, and Kurt Weill’s The Threepenny Opera, shows us that a categorization of Modernism is not inappropriate to the genre. Like the visual and literary arts of the time, these operas are attempting to redefine their genre and to bring public awareness both to the possibilities of the genre and to societal issues. Perhaps I will begin my argument about the suitability of a category of Modernist opera with a small disclaimer. It is important to note that, as far as opera is concerned, there is no definite boundary between pre-Modernist works and Modernism itself. One can argue that Wagner’s attempts in the nineteenth century to make opera into something new are examples of an early Modernist inclination. Wagner had new ideas so immense that he had to build his own theatre to house them. His interest in revolutionary politics and in the philosophical ideas of great thinkers like Nietzsche is certainly unique for opera composers prior to the twentieth century.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Psy: Obedience Essay
Obedience is the act of practicing obeying; dutiful or submissive compliance. Humans have an instinct to obey because of the role authority plays. Milgram’s research proves my point in his case study that involved shocks of voltage. From birth, we learn that everything has a consequence or punishment after an action. Children learn simple philosophies in their youngest age such as obeying their parent’s requests. Something as simple as eating vegetables has a consequence. A reward gives the child satisfaction to emphasize the good behavior or, in the opposite case, bad behavior. As humans get older, this simple idea enlarges when it applies to different phases in life. Scientists like Milgrim and Marta Laupa study factors that play a role in obedience using variables like electrical shocks. In the psychology department, scientists like Milgrim, studied obedience to understand human behavior. He used cruel and unusual ways to study how humans will react to authority. The punishments included electrical shocks at different voltages. This is just one of way psychologists test authority versus obedience. His experiment involved 42 participants, some of them being the enforcer and some acting as the victim. The authority role would execute the victim with electrical shocks beginning from 15 to 450. Milgrim’s blind case study took place at Harvard University where the participants agreed to take part without any kind of explanation. The authoritative volunteer requested the number of voltages from the patient. No one objected the voltage until it reached a maximum of 450. As the voltage amount rose, the participants allegedly showed signs of stress and nervousness but never refused the electricity until the last and most fatal amount of voltage. Later, Milgrim altered the study by placing the authority figure outside of the electricity room. He or she used a loudspeaker to inform the victim of the situation. Participants were all of the sudden more reluctant to obey. This unethical experiment showed researchers and fellow observers how humans obey powerful authority to almost fatal conditions. Rather than disobeying, humans will instinctively continue even when conditions are close to death. Milgrim’s results differ from Laupa. Unlike Milgrim’s results, Laupa’s were less shocking, literally. The process involved students who were appointed as conflict managers or honor patrol. The chosen ones were taught to approach students to resolve arguments such as turn-taking. Laupa required 80 children from four classes: first grade, third grade, fifth grade, and seventh grade. Subjects were then put in situations where they must chose to listen to another person. For example, the scientist listed a few such as la dy versus former peer authority. This example is fundamental to the understanding of obedience. This illustration baffles children because they are put in a situation where the lady has adult status, which shows authority but no knowledge, but the former peer authority shows knowledge but no adult status like the previous lady. Laupa’s case proves that children are a biased subject to chose for the obedience in Milgrim’s case because children have a different way of thinking compared to adults who have prior experience to the social world. Children’s naive way of thinking benefits them since they are not interested in social system that adults are in everyday. Common sense would tell us that most people believe obedience is a critical aspect in social life and plays a great role in maintaining social order. On the contrary, every human being at different ages posses different aspirations that reflect their behavior. While some people respect authority by obeying, many do not, such as criminals or the students in detention. In Milgrim’s study, it is obvious that almost everyone respected authority possibly because they were under the impression that there were greater consequences or that they were in dire need to comply. In Laupa’s study, however, it showed that children were doubtful to peer authority and even adult authority. While some children are less timid than others, children have the instinct to question others because younger people are unaware of the social status adult figures hold. When comparing the two cases studies by Milgrim and Laupa, observers would agree that from childhood, people identify authority and obey them according to their figure in society or the status they hold.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Philosophy Statement
I believe that each child learns at their own pace, and it’s important to accommodate each individual. To reference Pestalozzi, I also believe children have more meaningful learning experiences with hands-on activities and it allows them to draw their own conclusions because they are experiencing what they’re learning first hand. I believe it’s my job as a teacher to create an environment that encourages children to think critically and allow them to experience things first hand.I also understand that each child learns differently, and not every child is the same, and it’s my job as a teacher to accommodate them to the best of my ability and create an environment where children feel comfortable to ask questions or voice their opinions. My goal as a teacher is to be a good role model to my students. I want to be able to develop a relationship with each of my students. I to be able help children with their self esteem by promoting individuality and diversity .I also understand the importance of assessment and believe it’s my job to assess each student thoroughly to better understand them and help them through whatever they are struggling with. I also believe it’s important to create an environment that promotes a child’s autonomy, to help them draw their own conclusions and think critically to help them build skills early on that they will need throughout adulthood. Over all I want to be the one teacher in a child’s life who made a difference.I believe that one of my strengths is that I’m accepting of others. I come from a half Hispanic and half Irish family and I was immersed in both cultures. I accept people no matter their religion, culture, or ethnicity and I promote diversity because I come from a diverse family. I believe this will be a very positive attribute when dealing with families and students because not every student is the same and it’s important to make each family feel welcome i n the classroom regardless of their cultural background.I also believe that I am a very observant person which would be a very important skill in assessing my students which is a very significant part of being a teacher. I’ve always been observant, even as a child, I wanted to understand how things worked and why certain things affected others. Properly assessing students can put help put a stop to bullying, it can allow the teacher to better understand their students and find a method of teaching that works for each individual, and also can help keep parents updated on their child’s learning development.An area of future growth would be my communication skills. I’m not very articulate when I talk to crowds; I get nervous and falter my words. I’m more of a quiet person, I like to keep thoughts to myself and when I’m forced to express them I feel out of my element. This is something that is a work in progress and it is, slowly but surely, getting mu ch easier for me. This is very important as a teacher to be able to effectively speak to the students and teach the material well. It’s also very important to keep in contact with parents to update them on activities and their child’s progress.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Washington The Indispensable Man essays
Washington The Indispensable Man essays In the book, Washington: The Indispensable Man, author James Thomas Flexner exposes the real man behind the myths that surround George Washington, the father of our country. In doing so he portrays Washington as a man with real flaws and real strengths. This paper deals with the beginning of Washington's political career and answers questions about Washington's influence in shaping a new united nation from 13 independent colonies several years after its independence from Britain and the man George Washington was a Federalist who fervently believed in a strong central government, which would hold power that would pervade the 13 colonies, which represented the Union of the late 1700s. In private writings, Washington wrote, "experience has taught us that men will not adopt and carry into execution measures the best calculated for their own good, without the intervention of a coercive power (198). Without this coercive power, Washington believed that the nation would not exist for any length of time. Prior to what became known as the Constitutional Convention, the states ignored the Continental Congress to the point that at any given meeting there were seldom enough delegates to form a quorum. It seemed that each state violated the Articles of the Confederation when it was beneficial to the state to do so. Flexner notes for instance that New York resented any authority that would weaken its own laws that milked other states (198). In addition, states succumbed to the whims of the majority, while neglecting the minorities, creating class conflict. Though this saddened Washington, he had no intention of intervening. After the Revolutionary War he had retired to Mount Vernon to experience what many claim were the best years of his life. Upon his retirement he had vowed not to return to public life. Because of this he did not plan to attend the ...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
The Bible and Archaeology
The Bible and Archaeology An important step forward in scientific archaeological research, and a 19th-century outgrowth of the previous centurys Enlightenment was the search for the truth of the events written about in the ancient historical accounts of the past. The main truth of the Bible, Torah, Koran, and the Buddhist sacred texts among many others is (of course) not a scientific one but a truth of faith and religion. The roots of the scientific study of archaeology are deeply planted in the establishment of the boundaries of that truth. Is the Bible Fact or Fiction? This is one of the most common questions I get asked as an archaeologist and it is one for which I have yet to find a good answer. And yet the question is at the absolute heart of archaeology, central to the growth and development of archaeology, and it is the one that gets more archaeologists into trouble than any other. And, more to the point, it brings us back to the history of archaeology. Many if not most citizens of the world are naturally curious about ancient texts. After all, they form the basis of all human culture, philosophy, and religion. As discussed in the earlier parts of this series, at the end of the Enlightenment, many archaeologists began actively searching for the cities and cultures described in the available ancient texts and histories, such as Homer and the Bible, Gilgamesh, Confucian texts, and the Vedic manuscripts. Schliemann sought Homers Troy, Botta sought Nineveh, Kathleen Kenyon sought Jericho, Li Chi sought An-Yang, Arthur Evans at Mycenae, Koldewey at Babylon, and Woolley at Ur of the Chaldees. All of these scholars and more sought archaeological events in the ancient texts. Ancient Texts and Archaeological Studies But using ancient texts as the basis for historical investigation was- and still is- fraught with peril in any culture: and not just because the truth is hard to parse out. Governments and religious leaders have vested interests in seeing that religious texts and nationalistic myths remain unchanged and unchallenged- other parties might learn to see the ancient ruins as blasphemous. Nationalistic mythologies demand that there is a special state of grace for a particular culture, that the ancient texts are received wisdom, that their specific country and people are the center of the creative world. No Planet-Wide Floods When early geological investigations proved without a doubt that there was no planet-wide flood as described in the Old Testament of the Bible, there was a great cry of outrage. Early archaeologists fought against and lost battles of this sort time and again. The results of David Randal-McIvers excavations at Great Zimbabwe, an important trading site in southeastern Africa, were suppressed by the local colonial governments who wanted to believe that the site was Phoenician in derivation and not African. The beautiful effigy mounds found throughout North America by Euroamerican settlers were wrongly attributed to either the mound builders or a lost tribe of Israel. The fact of the matter is that ancient texts are renditions of ancient culture which may be partly reflected in the archaeological record and partly will not be- not fiction nor fact, but culture. Better Questions So, lets not ask if the Bible is true or false. Instead, lets ask a series of different questions: Did the places and cultures that are mentioned in the Bible and the other ancient texts exist? Yes, in many cases, they did. Archaeologists have found evidence for many of the locations and cultures mentioned in the ancient texts.Did the events that are described in these texts happen? Some of them did; archaeological evidence in the form of physical evidence or supporting documents from other sources can be found for some of the battles, the political struggles, and the building and collapse of cities.Did the mystical things that are described in the texts occur? Its not my area of expertise, but if I were to hazard a guess, if there were miracles that occurred, they wouldnt leave archaeological evidence.Since the places and the cultures and some of the events that are described in these texts happened, shouldnt we just assume that the mysterious parts also happened? No. Not any more than since Atlanta burned, Scarlett OHara really was dumped by Rhett Butler. There are so many ancient texts and stories about how the world began and many are at variance with one another. From a global human standpoint, why should one ancient text be more accepted than any other? The mysteries of the Bible and other ancient texts are just that: mysteries. It is not, and never has been, within the archaeological purview to prove or disprove their reality. That is a question of faith, not science.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Johnson Controls Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Johnson Controls - Research Paper Example Information systems are also considered long-term capital investment projects. The following are some of the traditional capital budgeting models used to evaluate capital projects: The payback method The accounting rate of return on investment (ROI) The net present value The cost-benefit ratio The profitability index The internal rate of return (IRR) These methods rely on measures of cash flows into and out of the firm. Capital projects generate cash flows into and out of the firm. The investment cost is an immediate cash outflow caused by the purchase of the capital equipment (capital outlay). In subsequent periods, the investment may cause additional cash outflows related to repair and maintenance that will be balanced by cash inflows resulting from the investment. Cash inflows take the form of increased revenues generated from the improved facilities or reduced costs in production and operations. The difference between cash outflows and cash inflows (net cash flows) is used for ca lculating the financial worth of an investment. Once the cash flows have been established, several alternative methods are available for comparing different projects and deciding about the investment. Financial models assume that all relevant alternatives have been examined, that all costs and benefits are known, and that these costs and benefits can be expressed in a monetary terms. When one has to choose among many complex alternatives, these assumptions are rarely met in the real world, although they may be approximated (Aggarwal, 2002). Tangible benefits can be quantified and assigned a monetary value. Intangible benefits, such as more efficient customer service or enhanced employee goodwill, cannot be immediately quantified but may lead to quantifiable gains in the long run. Shim and Siegel (2008) argue that traditional capital budgeting has a number of challenges. The models do not express the risks and uncertainty of their own costs and benefits estimates; cash flows are unce rtain; inflation may affect costs and benefits differently; technologyâ€â€especially information technologyâ€â€can change during the course of the project, causing estimates to vary greatly; intangible benefits are difficult to quantify. These factors wreak havoc with financial models. The difficulties of measuring intangible benefits give financial models an application bias. Traditional approaches to valuing information systems investments tend to assess the profitability of individual systems projects for specific business functions. Theses approaches do not adequately address investments in IT infrastructure, testing new business models, or other enterprise-wide capabilities that could benefit the organization as a whole (Gregory, 1999). The traditional focus on the financial and technical aspects of an information system tends to overlook the social and organizational dimensions of information systems that may affect the true costs and benefits of the investment. Howeve r, there are other modern methods that can be used as alternatives to the traditional methods. One of the approaches is the option pricing or real options theory recognizes the interactions among option holders’ optimizing behavior, asset uncertainty, and market disciplines. Recently, the option pricing theory has been applied in the evaluation of nonfinancial assets or ‘
Friday, November 1, 2019
Capitalism Structure Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Capitalism Structure - Essay Example When a company is going to liquidation due to bankruptcy, it has to repay the debt capital first. The equity shareholders will be paid back their investment only after setting off the secured creditors, debenture holders, preference shareholdersetc. So the companies should deeply analyze financial implications before taking capital structure decisions. In United Kingdom, a secured creditor can even proceed with liquidating the company and claim the amount due to him by the company. Even though the cost of capital plays an important role while taking decision regarding the capital structure, the bankruptcy code also plays a prominent role in the decisions. Therefore, care must be taken while deciding capital structure. The companies cannot make changes in the bankruptcy code, but they can make adjustments in the debt-equity combination (capital structure) of their financial structures in order to accommodate bankruptcy code considerations. This assumes importance since the interests o f equity holders would be compromised or endangered if debt capital is allowed to mount beyond reasonable proportions or as needed by the organisation. Increase in equity capital does not endanger the company's existence or survival, however creditors and loan syndicates could call back their loans, or bring action for claim settlements, thus, putting the company at the doorsteps of bankruptcy. The UK bankruptcy code is a creditor-supportive and a debt-friendly code. That means the debt holders will be having right in deciding the liquidation of the companies. "If the cash flows generated by the project are insufficient to meet debt payments, the firm is in default. Continuation decisions in default are regulated by the bankruptcy code in place." (Acharya, Sundaram and John, p.2). If a company is taking effective and efficient decision regarding the capital structure, it can easily overcome the problems which may arise due to unfavourable bankruptcy code. So while deciding on the ca pital structure, an optimum combination should be selected. While discussing the effect of bankruptcy code in the capital structure decision, the asset-specificity should also be considered. Asset-specificity can be defined as "aspect or feature of an asset (such as a specialized machine) that makes it useful for one or few specific purposes and which, therefore, cannot easily be sold off quickly in a fire-sale." (Asset Specificity: Definition. 2009). If a company has low asset-specificity, it can use more debt capital in the capital structure. If the company is in a situation of liquidation or bankruptcy, it can easily sell off its assets and meet the debts like repayment of creditors, preference shareholdersetc. In other words, if the companies whose assets are fit for providing as security for funds borrowed, can use more debt capital in the capital structure. Because at the time of bankruptcy it will not face any difficulty in repaying the loan or borrowed money as it can sell o ff such assets. Whatever combination is used in the capital structure, the objective of the company should be to increase the wealth of the equity shareholders. If the bankruptcy code of a country is debt capital friendly, it is not better for the companies to follow 'trading on equity' (trading on equity refers to using more debt capital
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