Monday, September 30, 2019
Automobile Pollution Essay
Automobiles can cause many different kinds of pollution in the environment. Air, health and groundwater pollution are of the most common. The reasons for these problems can be contributed to exhaust systems and light switches that are standard equipment on most cars today. Older and newer cars alike are equipped with a catalytic converter system. Which are supposed to convert hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxides into harmless materials emitted from the automobiles engine. According to Robert Harley, when nitrogen oxide from the engines exhaust is â€Å"over- reduced,†a complex chemical reaction ensues. Ammonia gas (NH3) forms in the catalytic converter, which is then emitted from the vehicles tailpipe and released into the air. These ammonia gasses are the cause of haze and may also cause serious health problems. The catalytic converter not only hurts but also helps the environment. Automobiles that have this system on them produce close to 50% less hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide and other gasses. (Converters 1) Which in the long run helps the ozone from depleting even more than it has already. Another problem we face is having vehicles with mercury light switches in the trunk and hood. Mercury is a fluid metallic element that is toxic and can cause various health problems, air and groundwater pollution also. Ford is one of the automobile companies that still use mercury in light switches and certain antilock brake components. The mercury becomes a problem only after vehicles containing it are taken to a junkyard and destroyed. When these vehicles are destroyed the mercury seeps out into the environment and is absorbed into the ground eventually to make its way in to our water supplies. While in the water it can contaminate the fish that in turn we end up eating. Another way the mercury makes it way into the environment is during the process of melting the vehicles in steel furnaces where the mercury vaporizes into the air. (Mercury 1) These particles then can act as a contribution to global warming. Ford has been urged to remove these mercury switches and replace them with a ball bearing switch that costs about 38 cents in all vehicles that are brought in for service, repair, or recall. As of right now Ford has no plans of removing these mercury switches in any of its serviced vehicles. But Ford is currently working with the Alliance of Automobile Manufactures and the Association of International Automobile Manufactures and waste-management directors to eliminate and replace the switches containing mercury in their upcoming vehicles. (Mercury 2) If Ford and other car companies that use mercury switches decide to do this it can eliminate up to 2. 5 tons of mercury from our environment. The problems of automobile pollution mentioned above are only a small portion of the pollution problems we face from automobiles. Many people wonder how these and many other problems that automobiles cause can be fixed, and many have come up with possible solutions. But only a few of the solutions are actually practical. I think we should abolish gas burning engines and start using electrical vehicles. This would eliminate all of the pollution problems. Electric vehicles were once thought to only be a futuristic fantasy, but recently have become a reality. These vehicles are a very environmentally friendly replacement for older gas burning automobiles. Electric vehicles do not require tune-ups or oil changes. These vehicles also don’t emit any ozone depleting gasses and or fumes. Making them a perfect remedy for the already hurting environment. As of right now the idea of an electric car is still in it works and the common gas burning automobile will be around for many more years to come. All we can do is hope that one day that someone will come with a vehicle that is environmentally safe and can help eliminate these problems that automobiles cause today.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Equality of the Sexes: Elizabethan Era and Now
Equality of the Sexes: The Elizabethan Era and Now Equal rights have always been a major issue and dispute. Analysing the role of women in the Elizabethan Era, through Shakespeare’s representation in Romeo and Juliet, and comparing them to the role of women in the 21st century, will help to demonstrate that equality of the sexes has been achieved, and come a long way in the past 400 years. Three ways in which equality of the sexes has been achieved is the role of a married, and unmarried woman, and roles of women in society.Married women’s roles have changed significantly since the late 1500s. A dowry has been abolished when women get married. Their sole purpose of being has changed and is no longer to just provide and raise children and complete household tasks. They can now get a job and have rights in marriage and families much the same as men. In marriage, women had to have a child every two years, as childbearing was considered an honour even though it was potentia lly life threatening.Also in the late 1500s, women had to instantly obey their husbands and any other males in the family, and their punishment for not obeying was being beaten into submission. An example of this in Romeo and Juliet is when Juliet refuses to marry Paris, and Capulet calls her a â€Å"disobedient wretch†for not following (Act III, Sc. V, 160). In the 21st century, men can no longer legally chastise their wives and are not always considered the head of the marriage as they were in Shakespeare’s time.In Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare has represented the roles of married women in the Elizabethan Era. In Act 1, Scene 1, Montague and Lady Montague arrive in the square where the fight is breaking out, Lady Montague tries to stop him, but has no control after attempting to hold him back, as she has no authority over him, he also demands that she give his sword to him in a very abrupt manner, â€Å"Give me my long sword, ho! †(Act I, Sc. I). Therefore, women’s roles in marriage have equalised over the past 400 years.The roles of unmarried women have also changed over the past four centuries. Unmarried women are now allowed to work, whereas the only alternative for unmarried women in Elizabethan times was domestic service, such as being a maid. Arranged marriages for unmarried women were very common in the Elizabethan period, as fathers wanted their daughters to marry somebody of a higher class to improve the family’s social status. Fathers liked to arrange a marriage as soon as sensibly possible, because unmarried women were looked upon with suspicion.In Romeo and Juliet, Lord Capulet arranges a deal with Paris about the marriage of Juliet when she was only 13. Capulet describes Juliet’s age, â€Å"†¦She hath not seen the change of fourteen years†¦ †(Act I, Sc. II, 9). Paris replies with, â€Å"Younger than she are happy mothers made,†(Act I, Sc. II, 12) which is representing the fact that women in the Elizabethan Era could be married and have children as young as 12. In a modern Western women’s world however, women no longer have arranged marriages and are allowed to choose their significant other.They are not looked upon with suspicion if they are unmarried, as it is very common in the 21st century, and women often don’t marry until around the age of 25 or older. In summary, an unmarried woman’s roles and rights have changed considerably since the Elizabethan period, and Shakespeare has conveyed an unmarried woman’s tradition through Romeo and Juliet. The roles of women in society have changed a sizeable amount since the late 1500s. In the Elizabethan period women had minor roles in society.They were raised to believe that they were inferior to men and that men were the leaders and women were the weaker sex. Shakespeare has represented women being the ‘weaker sex’ through a conversation between Gregory and Sampson, when Sampson states, â€Å"†¦ and therefore women, being the weaker vessels, are ever thrust to the wall†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Act I, Sc. I, 20). Women were not allowed to go to school, but the wealthy were allowed to have private tutors, so they were highly educated, but the poorer families couldn’t get any education easily.They were not allowed to get jobs, and domestic service was their only choice. An example of this is the Nurse in Romeo and Juliet. In the 21st century however, women have a very significant role in society, with many even being political leaders and in important professions, such as lawyers, doctors, teachers and scientists. They also have political and rights in society the same as men. Therefore, a woman’s role in society has changed and equalised over the past 400 years.Since the Elizabethan Era, an unmarried woman's role, women's roles in society and their roles in marriage have changed significantly. Equality of the sexes has been achieved and com e a long way over the past 400 years. It is clear that this is true, through analysing an Elizabethan woman’s role and their portrayal in Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, and comparing them to a 21st century woman’s rights and roles in marriage, society and being single or unmarried. Women’s rights have gradually equalised over the years, and someday, possibly, women will take over the world.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Hewlett Packard (HP) - Introduction to Business Organization Coursework
Hewlett Packard (HP) - Introduction to Business Organization - Coursework Example It deals in manufacture and supply of laptops, printers, PC’s and variety of range of computers. HP operates a large network for the manufacture and supply of technological products; it operates in 170 countries of the world fulfilling the technological needs of millions. (HEWLETT PACKARD. 2012) HP was founded in 1939 by two of the classmates of Stanford University- Bill Hewlett and Dave Packard. It’s first ever product was an electronic test instrument and one of its early customers who boosted their sales initially was Walt Disney. (HEWLETT PACKARD. 2012) HP operates in 170 countries of the world which makes it operative in America, Asia Pacific, Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA). Its head office is located in Palo Alto, California –USA. Further it has installed HP Solution Centers in over 80 locations all around the world which provide technical support regarding the products to million of customers. (HEWLETT PACKARD. 2012) HP operates as a public listed c orporation and is listed on New York Stock Exchange. Financially, HP is a very sound company with an annual turnover of $127,245 million, generating a profit of $7,074 million. HP has a diversified portfolio of products and operates many different segments. Region wise it mostly generates its sales- 45% of it from America (which includes US, Canada and Latin America) the rest is generated from EMEA and Asia Pacific. Its most revenue generating segment is that of personal computers products and services which generates around 60% of the revenue. Other segments which are operated are imaging and printing group, enterprise server, storage and networking, HP software and HP financial services. The company is currently headed by Meg Whitman, the CEO and President of HP who was appointed on the posts recently in late 2011. (HEWLETT PACKARD. 2012) Organizational Structure: An organization’s structure plays a great role in executing its strategies. HP’s organizational structur e has grasped international attention from past decade. In 2000 Carly Fiorina was appointed as the Chief Executive Officer at HP, at that point Fiorina changed the organizational structure of HP which had been there for last 64 years. She dismantled the decentralized structure of HP and introduced a more modern concept of structuring the organization in which HP was to operate with a front-back approach in which back-end unit was to deal with manufacturing while the front-end dealt with sales, marketing and customers. That was the first time a large company with numerous production lines adopted this structure which requires high level of coordination. (PEARCE & ROBINSON. 2000) However this structural strategy was a fail and in 2005Mark Hurd was appointed as the CEO and he changed the structure back to it what it was before Fiorina, that is, a decentralized structure with independently run smaller units with a narrow product focus. The current organizational structure at HP allows f or greater accountability, high sense of responsibility, aids in cost reduction and accountability of spending and better control on production to sale activities. The decentralized structure at HP is basically made up of seven divisions/segments which are either organized on the basis of products or functions. Such a structure enables HP to have greater insight about the environment in which it operates as a technological business is highly dynamic, the divisions and units have to be adaptable and agile to the changes which is done by resting the power to plan day-to-day activities to the segments. However major strategic decisions are held with the higher level. Such a structure also supports a giant like HP which serves a market of trillions all around the world to execute more effectively. HP has
Friday, September 27, 2019
Assignment 8 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2
Assignment 8 - Essay Example standards of effectiveness for the person being supervised in terms of quality assurance and maintenance of functions as well as improving the competencies of the persons being supervised no matter how proficient they may be. Supervision also enhances collaborative effort to improve learning, which eventually helps in the attaining the goals of those being supervised. Without the supervision and the monitoring of efforts to improve the learning atmosphere, the supervisory responsibilities have increasingly encompassed other tasks, which are not usually within the arm bit of supervision. The question then is how one can he be an effective supervisor and deliver the desirable results of supervision. In order to understand how effective supervision should be, it is important to note that there are a variety of trends in the field of supervision, which influence one another (Eley and Murray, 2009). In order to be an effective supervisor, it is important to master your role as a front-line effective supervisor through strategies aimed at building success. The supervision style chosen by a person must endeavor to incorporate leadership skills in the supervision style chosen for the best results. It is important that effective supervision begins with the supervisor and how he is proficient in his role and the levels of the skills and this will require regular planning, acting, reflecting and reviewing of the supervision development progress. Effective supervision demands that the supervisor knows whomever he is supervising and how to motivate them for the best outcomes (Eley and Murray, 2009). This will require that the supervisor is aware of what drives the supervisees to achieve the desired results of an effective supervision strategy. The supervisor should educate and train by clearly defining his expectations, missions and the vision of the supervision that is to be carried out over the supervisees. Effective supervision will require that the supervisor builds a
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Image retrieval Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words
Image retrieval - Research Paper Example There are different varieties of techniques being investigated in the area of information retrieval and the aim of this paper is to focus on the most popular and effective ones in extraction of images from multimedia databases. In general, we will discuss the two main research areas, using textual features and content based features but more specifically, we will discuss the technologies and advancements in employing the textual features. IMAGE RETRIEVAL There is a question of how to handle the vast growing multimedia information and the answer for that is to use multimedia databases. The aim is to retrieve images that most likely match with the query of a user. Users in general search for the images in databases using keywords and features like size, shape, location, etc. For retrieving the right information from such database using queries, two main approaches exist. [1] Firstly we could describe an image using a set of keywords but considering that manual labelling of all the mult imedia information is a hard task. Another area of research which is at the centre of researcher’s attention is Content Based Image Retrieval (CBIR). [2] However, among these two main approaches, there is a question of efficiency of them. ... TEXT BASE IMAGE RETRIEVAL In order to label images with the keywords, we could either do it manually or automatically, using computer algorithms trained based on the textual information of image and the image features. [3] However even in the automatic way, for training the computer we need to manually provide a set of training data for example different category of images. In addition to the constraints above, when we describe images using a set of keywords, a set of conflicts might happen do to some of the well known issues in the natural language, including synonym words, using different words to express one thing or using a word with usages in different contexts. [4] [4] is one of the papers that suggests not using the text based feature alone since it is not going to be efficient due to the above natural language constraints. They recommend combining text features and visual features. There also some works that recently tried resolving the natural language constraints above. [5] The approach they used was Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) used to joint feature vectors of textual and visual information of the images. The reason that the researchers mainly focus on the content based side of the research might be the problems that appears with labelling the data and of course the lack of accuracy caused by using general natural language processing techniques. Natural language processing is a complex task and full ability to process humans language has not been achieved yet. CONTEXT BASED IMAGE RETRIEVAL (CBIR) CBIR is a popular area of study in image retrieval these days. In this approach we index the images from their visual content. In other words we use features like shapes, texture
Foundation for critical thinking Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Foundation for critical thinking - Essay Example humility does not mean loss of power to reason but rather understanding that each encounter with other people is an opportunity to learn (Foundation for Critical Thinking, 2013). Intellectual perseverance refers an awareness of the importance to adhere to insights and facts no matter how disabling situations might be or the magnitude of unreasonable oppositions from other people with different points of view. Intellectual perseverance denotes the ability to take our time to work through confusion and questions that trouble our minds in order to gain deeper understanding on various issues. It is the ability to acquire courage to navigate intellectual complexities (Foundation for Critical Thinking, 2013). Intellectual autonomy is the capacity to have control over our values, beliefs and inferences. Intellectual autonomy implies that an individual is able to use reason and evidence to analyze different beliefs. He /she is able to object where it is expedient to object and only believes when it is sensible to believe (Cone, 2013). Depending on situations, it may not be rational to object or believe. Intellectual autonomy in such cases dictates that we conform (Foundation for Critical Thinking, 2013). Therefore, to maximize my intellectual perseverance, I will look to hard tasks as opposed to easy tasks. It won’t matter how time consuming they will be. I will repeatedly attempt to accomplish the task until it’s done. The satisfaction of achievement that I will gain after tackling the hard task will leave me with a magnified sense of accomplishment and pride that I chose the harder way and persevered. I will improve my intellectual humility by training myself to tolerate and listen to other peoples’ views and ideas, bearing in mind that they may be more knowledgeable than I am. Finally, I will maximize intellectual autonomy by developing a habit of gathering adequate facts regarding a particular issue, analyzing the facts and making a final liberal decision
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Project Motorcycles The Comprehensive Project Plan Assignment
Project Motorcycles The Comprehensive Project Plan - Assignment Example The different engine sizes will also mean different velocity for the audience who will make a purchase according their preferences in speed and use of the motorcycle. Various steps will be put in place to ensure that the motorcycles produced for the company are certified by the concerned government agencies to be safe for public use. The company will be forced to conduct a market research for the product, they will also develop and implement an effective project management strategy and lastly they will look for skilled labor to help in the construction process of the motor cycle. The main aim of the construction and manufacturing of the motorcycles will be to provide consumers with efficient and reliable motorcycles which can serve their different needs both privately and commercially. However, the new kinds of motorcycle that will be produced by the company will not be accepted readily by the audiences, but they will attracted to the unique features that the machine will posses and with time, they the profits proceeds will increase as consumers will be preferring the new kind over the older one. Analyze The Type Of Staff That Your Company Would Need In Order To Make The Manufacturing Switch To Motorcycles With Larger Motors The motorcycles company will need a highly effective staff to enable them make the manufacture switch to motorcycles with larger motors. The staff to be employed buy the company should have the ability to deal with different risk within the company and in the manufacturing process. The staff is expected to deal with risk and uncertainty to allow them makes decisions which may lead to the achievements of set goals. The staff will also be expected to be result oriented. This will involve them demonstrating common sense in situations where they are allowed to make decisions that are capable of solving problems and cutting down the level of risk that would have resulted in the manufacturing process. The staff is also expected to be energetic to deliver their best to the company. Energetic staff is associated with meeting the organizations’ goals and success. The staff to be employed by the company are also expected to have a high growth potential to allow them occupy the various m anagement opportunities that may prevail themselves within the company. Last but not least, the staff is expected to be good team players within the company. This will motivate them to deliver in unison towards the greater good of the company. Lastly, the staff is expected to be multitasking. They should be able to accept new duties assigned to them, therefore, leading to efficiency in the different departments within the organization. Prepare Four (4) Team-Building Strategies For Handling The Newly Formed Team. Discuss The Manner In Which The Strategies That You Have Prepared May Positively Or Negatively Affect Productivity Within The Company The company will come up with the following team-building strategies for their newly formed staff employed by
Monday, September 23, 2019
Cloud computing (Opportunities and concerns (security)) Essay
Cloud computing (Opportunities and concerns (security)) - Essay Example Cloud computing greatly scales down the business resources, this is because you do not have to own these resources but you can get them through the web. These resources include software and business applications, development and runtime platforms and infrastructure (Hauck et al 2010). Hayes (2010) describes this phenomenon as programs and data being transferred from personal computers and corporate server rooms and being installed in constellations or clouds. He cites an example of making an excel spreadsheet using Google docs. In this case you may not have the software installed in your computer but you can access it over the web services and web APIs. Cloud computing has come with several opportunities especially for the business people but there has also been several security concerns over this innovation. This paper discusses the opportunities availed by cloud computing and also the security concerns. 1.1 Opportunities 1.1.1 Time to market products and services can be reduced Clo ud computing provides businesses with an opportunity to market their products via the services available on the internet. The old method was that one had to use the computer software to publish posters to advertise their products and services. These posters had then to be distributed to the potential consumers. However, businesses can now use cloud based systems such as emails, Facebook and Twitter to market their products and services. I think this is a good opportunity for businesses that have embraced technology. 1.1.2 Reduction in cost of IT investment Cloud computing offer businesses and organizations an opportunity to reduce on their cost of investing in information and technology. Traditionally, businesses, individuals or organizations had to install the software they required and maintain them. This software comes with a price and they may need regular updates. The software may also crash and lead to lose of all your data. The introduction of cloud marketing has reduced the risks and costs in information technology. The software or programs are available over the internet and you only pay on demand. You do not need to pay for the maintenance cost and the risk of data loss is greatly reduced. However, I think cloud computing also needs some investment in IT. 1.1.3 Reduction of barrier of entrance The introduction of cloud computing is a game changer for rules of competition in the business sector. Traditionally, only large business could manage to own and use computer services and programs in their business activities because of the cost of installation and maintenance. Cloud avails the infrastructure to all business on rent. This offers small and medium enterprises an opportunity to efficiently use the infrastructure and enjoy the benefits as large firms. With that, the platform of competition will be levelled. This might be true, but it is my view that it is the already established companies that can better utilize the opportunity of cloud
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Report on Ethical Decision-Making Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Report on Ethical Decision-Making - Essay Example Critics point to â€Å"Big Pharma†manipulating research in order to increase their profit margins. These are all very important and major contemporary issues that must be addressed when we look at a topic as broad and profound as pharmaceuticals and pharmacology. Questions I asked myself included: Do pharmaceutical companies have duties and obligations to society? Is pharmacological care a right rather than a service to be sold on the market place? These are obviously very emotionally engaging questions because they involve life and death. It was very hard for me to come to a conclusion about them. The best illustration of this ethical the question of HIV/AIDS in Africa. Do American drug companies have the responsibility to provide very cheap drugs to people in Africa who are infected. If the drugs were given to someone for free they might live longerâ€â€but since they don’t have money they certainly will die. I wrestled with this one long and hard. This aspect of the debate really illustrates the idea of a social obligation to people above and beyond the notion of a profit margin. Critics of course will say that if drugs were given away for free there would be no money for research and so more people would die because there would be no drugs for their disease. This too would be a serious problem. In the end I decided that it was right for pharmaceutical companies to advertise and sell their products for a profit. It took a lot of time and consideration for me to reach this conclusion. As of 2008, the United States is the world leader in medical research, especially in pharmaceutical development. American companies create most of the world’s most innovative drugs and the FDA stamp of approval is sought by drug makers worldwide because this organization is so respected. This is an interesting point and one that may contradict in some sense the idea of Big Pharma having a social contract. The only developed
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Indian Republic Day Essay Example for Free
Indian Republic Day Essay In the life of every nation there are certain days which are considered as red-letter days. The Republic Day celebration held on 26th January every year in our country is one of those days. It is perhaps the most important day of our country. It marks the birth of our nation as a republic. Therefore this day is celebrated all over the country with great pomp and show. The origin of Republic day goes back to pre- independence days of 1929, when the Indian National Congress during its Lahore session under the President ship of Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru passed a resolution declaring ‘Complete Independence’ as the goal of the nation and decided to celebrate 26th January every year as the Independence day throughout the length and breadth of the country. From then on till the dawn of independence on Aug. 1947, the nation celebrated 26th Jan. as Independence Day. Later, when India wanted a day to mark its official birth 26th January, the independence day of the pre-independence days was chosen. On this day, 26th Jan. 1950 Indian constitution came into force and India was proclaimed to be a sovereign, democratic and a republic’ Soldiers from different wings of the armed forces, units of paramilitary and police forces march to the tune of the military band. The President takes the salute. A colourful %-past by helicopters and aeroplanes makes the ceremony most spectacular. Folk dances by cultural troupes and various performances are put up by school children to keep the audience spellbound. The tableaux of states depicting the cultural wonders of the states follow the school children. The procession lasts for several hours and finally ends up at Red Fort. Hundreds of people from far off places come to watch the charming show of military might and national glory. It is a great day for all of us. It is a day of remembrance, thanksgiving, and rejoicing. It is also a day of national pledge when we decided to make our country, sovereign, democratic, and republic. A great deal more remains to be done, to achieve this pledge. It is up to you and me to redeem this pledge and make our nation truly democratic and republic.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Anthropocentric Position in the Arctic Sovereignty Debate
Anthropocentric Position in the Arctic Sovereignty Debate Andrew Lawrence Introduction Motivated by the search for new trade routes and imperial accolades and glory, the Arctic has long been associated with famous explorers such as Franklin, Parry and Amundsen. As these explorers attempted to plant their nation’s flags in this expansive region, so continues today the practice of territorial claims in the Arctic. Ever changing climate conditions in the Arctic have reopened a race for new trade routes with the melting of ice in the North West Passage, as well as opened the opportunity of access to a vast expanse of natural resources. This renewed Arctic interest can be examined under the auspices of the human geography concept of environmental ethics, and more specifically the positions of ecocentrism and anthropocentrism. As will be explored here, despite all of the evidence towards global warming and its drastic effects on the Arctic, a policy of anthropocentrism regarding Arctic sovereignty is still practiced by Canada and other nations. Summary of Article According to the December 9, 2013 CBC article and interview, Canada has submitted an Atlantic and Arctic seabed claim to the United Nations Commission on the Limits of Continental Ice. The Atlantic seabed claim has been submitted in full while the Arctic seabed claim is only a preliminary claim that requires further scientific work. The Minister of Foreign Affairs requested officials and scientists complete additional scientific and cartographic work so the submission also includes a claim to the entire continental shelf along with the North Pole. Preliminary findings outline Canada’s claim to the Arctic seabed beyond the 200 nautical mile Exclusive Economic Zone. An extension of this zone would include any natural resources beyond the current limit. Other nations including Denmark, Norway, Russia and the United States have staked interests in the Arctic region. In the press conference announcing these claims, the ministers referred to them as issues pertaining to national sov ereignty and the securing of Canada’s last frontier. Ecocentric and Anthropocentric Views and Their Relevance to Arctic Sovereignty The discipline of environmental ethics seeks to examine the questions and concerns of human interaction within the environment, and also seeks to provide a means to conduct this relationship between humans and the environment in an ethical manner (Norton, 2013, p. 125). In the twentieth century, the positions of anthropocentrism and ecocentrism were added to this discipline (Norton, 2013, p. 125). In an ecocentric position, intrinsic value is placed on all parts of the environment equally rather than placing humans at the centre (Norton, 2013, p. 127 ). Contrarily, in an anthropocentric position humans are placed as the central fact in the world where their detrimental effect on the environment is often stressed (Norton, 2013, p 128. ) The concept of anthropocentricism is especially evident in the examined article and the current issue of Arctic sovereignty, through the policy of staking claims in order to gain access to natural resources such as oil. These claims would benefit from the negative impacts that climate change, as a result of fossil fuels, have already played in this area. Interpretation of Current Issue Once referred to as the global environment’s â€Å"canary in a coal mine†, the Arctic’s rapidly changing conditions provide a broader perspective and advanced warning system on the real impact of climate change (Kofod, 2012). To the surprise of many scientists, the Arctic has been the first region in the world to show evidence that global climate change theories are in fact true (Kofod, 2012). According to scientific study the mean annual temperature increase in the Arctic, 3.7  °C, is significantly larger than the global mean temperature increase of 1.9  °C (Kofod, 2012). This rise in temperature can be directly linked to the world’s consumption of fossil fuels. Despite this outstanding evidence, the continuation of an anthropocentric perspective in the Arctic for the benefit of humans continues. The examined article discusses how any extension of Canada’s and the other nation’s 200 nautical mile Exclusive Economic Zone through the conti nental shelf will include any natural resources they contain. Often thought to be the driving factor in Arctic sovereignty, nations involved have made no secret of their intentions to extract from the vast number of stock natural resources in the region. However, a policy that centres on the extraction of natural resources for human use and which has already been directly connected to global climate change seems counterintuitive to the already fragile ecosystem of the Arctic. This detrimental effect of Arctic sovereignty position is within the auspices of the anthropocentric perspective. The subject of nationalism is another anthropocentric perspective deeply embedded in the policy of Arctic sovereignty. Nationalism is especially evident throughout the examined article and interview as both government Ministers refer to the policy of Arctic sovereignty as â€Å"drawing the last lines of Canada†and â€Å"Canada’s last frontier†. This anthropocentric view forgets the Native peoples living in the Arctic regions, who often live an ecocentric lifestyle, and have been forced to adapt, often more readily, to the southern problem of climate change. Often these Native people are used as political pawns in staking a case for nationalism and territorial rights within the Arctic sovereignty debate (Saunders et al., 2014). Conclusion My understanding of the issue of Arctic sovereignty has been enhanced through the application of geographical concepts that further explore the issue in greater detail. The flag waving, patriotism and need for military assets are often the only aspects of Arctic sovereignty reported by the government and media. Through the application of environmental ethics and the position of anthropocentricism to this issue it can be seen that Arctic sovereignty is a far greater issue than simply redrawing the boundaries of a country’s borders. Although on the surface it may seem Canada as a whole would benefit from Arctic sovereignty the examination of policies show that the Arctic and its people have already been negatively impacted by anthropocentric policy and a need exists to address this policy from an environmental ethics and put in place ecocentric policies. Bibliography Norton, W. (2013). Human Geography (8th ed.), CH 4: (116-157). Don Mills, ON: Oxford University Press Canada. Kofod, J. (2013). Arctic Economic Opportunities, Environmental Obligations and Security Stakes. NATO Parliamentary Assembly. Sub-Committee On Transatlantic Economic Relations. Retrieved from Paris, M. (2009). Canada’s Claim to Arctic Riches Includes the North Pole. CBC News. Retrieved from the-north-pole-1.2456773 Saunders, D., Huebert, R., Shelagh, G., Byers, M., Simon, M., English, J., Davis, W. (2014). Is climate change a northern catastrophe or an Arctic opening?. Arctic Circle Panel, Globe and Mail. Retrieved from climate-change-a-northern-catastrophe-or-an-arctic-opening/article16480890/
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Netflix SWOT Analysis Essay -- essays research papers
S.W.O.T. Analysis Strengths: ?     Netflix provides a subscription-style e-commerce service. Over 95% of customers pay at least $17.99 a month which includes unlimited rentals with up to three titles at a time. A comparably low monthly fee, allows Netflix to lead market share of online DVD rentals while competing with traditional brick and mortar rental stores. Meanwhile, Netflix might keep the customers who try the service and happy with it continue paying the monthly fee. Therefore, Netflix has fewer problems in predicting revenues. ?     Netflix enjoys lower fixed costs due to the fact that it is an online DVD rental company. As an internet business, Netflix incurs less overhead costs than competitors such as Blockbuster, as well as having fewer employees to operate the physical locations, thus labor costs are greatly reduced. ?     Netflix gives customers unlimited access to the largest selection of DVD?s. Netflix?s video library consists of over 45,000 titles, making their selection the worlds largest, beating out Blockbuster, Movie Gallery, and Hollywood Video. ?     With over 35 distribution centers across the United States, Netflix has the fastest delivery time of any online DVD rental company. Through the use of the United States Postal Service over 90% of DVD?s are received by customers within one day of ordering. ?     Netflix?s easy to use website allows customers to browse the video library by category such as action, romance, drama (sixteen total categories) or by using a comprehensive internal search of the library. ?     Netflix uses the technology of Cinematch to give customers even better service. Cinematch studies past selections made by members, and begins to recommend titles that would likely be enjoyed by the customer based on previous selections. ?     Charging a monthly fee for unlimited rentals, Netflix eliminates due dates and late fees, as well as eliminating the long lines of a brick and mortar store. ?     Netflix uses their great customer service to keep customers happy which intern keeps customers from canceling there subscription to the service. If there is a problem that arises during the rental process such as a damaged DVD, or lost DVD during the shipping process, Netflix addresses the problem immediately, and never charges the customer for the problem. ?     Netflix was the first company to offer DVD renta... ...fering similar services, either directly or as a partnership with another organization.  §Ã‚     Emerging competition from digital cable and satellite companies that offer movies on demand. Time Warner digital cable offers video on demand library consisting of a few hundred selections and growing. Users can purchase a movie with the touch of a button for about $4.00. Customers have access to the movie for up to 24hours. Many video on demand services are now offering technologies that allow users to pause, fast forward and rewind the movies they purchase. Though the selection offered by cable companies is extremely small in comparison to Netflix, it will only be a matter of time before the number of selections will increase drastically.  §Ã‚     There are a large number of substitute products. Netflix is in the business of providing personal entertainment at an affordable cost. Since any other form of entertainment is considered a substitute, Netflix?s industry is in direct competition with all other forms of entertainment, whether it be reading, physical exercise, regular television, etc. If trends in popular culture move away from those related to movies, revenues may be affected.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Analysis of Shoeless Joe by by W. P. Kinsella :: W. P. Kinsella Essays
Ray Kinsella helped other people fulfill their dreams by traveling for miles to find them, and bring them back to his field of dreams. In the book Shoeless Joe, W.P. Kinsella wrote about how some people were missing something in their lives, but they found what they had been looking for when they arrived at Ray’s field. Ray built a baseball field to fulfill his unfulfilled dreams of the past. Ray’s father died when he was a teenager, so Ray did not get to spend much time with him. Ray had always longed to see his father again and this dream came true when he built the field. Others had unquenchable dreams like Ray. Archibald Graham never got to bat in the majors, and that was what was missing in his life. When Archie Graham came to Ray’s field, he found the thread that tied the meaning of his life together. Eddie Scissons also had an unrealized dream, all his life he had lied about himself being the oldest living Chicago Cub, but he was only looking for the recognition that he had always dreamt of having. When he came to Ray’s field, he no longer had to lie about himself being the oldest living Chicago Cub, for that’s exactly what he became. Ray’s field of dreams helped fulfill the dreams of other men besides himself, and it made all the men very happy to finally find what they have been looking for all their lives. Ray Kinsella was called upon by forces left unknown to the readers and himself to go on both a physical journey as well as a journey of the heart. After hearing voices proclaiming, "If you build it, they will come," Ray risked the economic and emotional stability of the family he loved dearly to build a baseball field. At first, Ray Kinsella was highly skeptical, but eventually he realized the significance of his obscure calling. Upon the completion of the baseball field, "Shoeless Joe Jackson", the baseball player who had been his father’s hero before he passed away, suddenly appeared in the field to talk with Ray and to play baseball. As the book progressed, Ray continued to receive messages. After each new message, Ray was called upon to further his journey. This journey involved traveling to various cities around the United States, as well as facing issues within himself that he has successfully hidden from for years. He built the field to fulfill his unfulfilled dreams of the past. The one thing that Ray was missing in his life was that he never went to a live baseball game with his father.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Saving a Friend from Suicide Essay -- Personal Narrative Essays
Saving a Life My stomach weakens with a thought that something is wrong, what would be the answer I could have never been ready for. I call my best friend late one night, for some reason she is the only person’s voice I wanted to hear, the only person who I wanted to tell me that everything will be okay. She answer’s the phone and tells me she loves me, as I hear the tears leak through, I ask her what is wrong. The flood gates open with only the horrid words â€Å"I can’t do this anymore†. My heart races as I tell her that I am on my way, what I was about to see will never leave my thoughts. As I arrived at her apartment she didn’t answer the door, I just went in. I walked down the hall way into her bedroom where she had pills and a beer and a list wrote out to make sure this would be her last recipe, a recipe of death. All I could do was yell, â€Å"What the hell are you thinking, he is not worth your life!†I started grabbing the pills, putting them back in a container and taking the beer. I hid the pills in my purse and went to get water. I begged with her to drink the water and remind... Saving a Friend from Suicide Essay -- Personal Narrative Essays Saving a Life My stomach weakens with a thought that something is wrong, what would be the answer I could have never been ready for. I call my best friend late one night, for some reason she is the only person’s voice I wanted to hear, the only person who I wanted to tell me that everything will be okay. She answer’s the phone and tells me she loves me, as I hear the tears leak through, I ask her what is wrong. The flood gates open with only the horrid words â€Å"I can’t do this anymore†. My heart races as I tell her that I am on my way, what I was about to see will never leave my thoughts. As I arrived at her apartment she didn’t answer the door, I just went in. I walked down the hall way into her bedroom where she had pills and a beer and a list wrote out to make sure this would be her last recipe, a recipe of death. All I could do was yell, â€Å"What the hell are you thinking, he is not worth your life!†I started grabbing the pills, putting them back in a container and taking the beer. I hid the pills in my purse and went to get water. I begged with her to drink the water and remind...
Consciousness is self-awareness Essay
The brain is the physical collection of cells combined into the body’s computer. The mind is the personality that thinks and feels, the intangible thinking part that constitutes â€Å"you.†The brain is the portion where the fusion of both physical and metaphysical takes place. An affect on the metaphysical can directly equate to a change on the physical being. An affect on the physical can have a direct change on the metaphysical person. We as humans share a common thread among life forms and that is the fact that we are conscious. We think and comprehend unless we happen to be politicians. Concentrating on humans, the biochemical processes that regulate our bodies are in delicate arrangements and when a sabot (French: à §abot or wooden shoe) is thrown into the system, functions will become erratic and altered from the norm. Some methods for achieving these altered states of consciousness are hypnosis, meditation/prayer, biofeedback and drugs. Hypnosis is a â€Å"setting†or â€Å"mode†that a conscious mind can be manipulated into causing a waking-dreamlike state where the brain is more open to suggestion to the subconscious mind. Hypnosis is a treatment used in conjunction with other forms of therapy and not to be considered a †be all, end all †solution to life’s problems. A person who makes the decision to have hypnosis performed as a tool must be prepared for and open to suggestion. He or she must also be a willing participant and play a â€Å"hypnotic roll†for the full positive effects to be attained. Some hypnosis can be used for the retrieval of boxed up memories. The things that a person did not want to deal with at the time can be repressed and put away for processing later. Oddly enough, many people rarely want to open those memories after having had t hem stored in the recesses of their minds. The ‘monsters’ growing inside these containers can begin to scratch and claw at the doors of the hidden rooms from whence they were locked. They can begin to affect the individual from deep within over a period of time. Hypnosis and the proper hypnotist /counselor can assist with putting these monsters on a leash and letting them out one at a time so a patient does not become overwhelmed. The act or art of meditation has many categories and covers a broad spectrum. There are transcendental, mindfulness and guided meditation to name three. Meditation aids in the achievement of spiritual goals that cannot usually be attained during the normal conscious daytime activities. The way that the mind can settle and focus on relaxation both physically and mentally can have influential effects that are observable. Some effects are of a spiritual nature and others are reflected in bodily health. Meditation can be more effective than pharmaceutical assistance proven by various studies. Some meditation is conducted by directing certain body parts to relax in a certain order. This can eventually result in attaining a very calm mental and physical state. Other forms are directed at suspending worrisome thoughts and feelings allowing the problems of the day to slip away. Everyone is different and these differences lead to different treatments for various ailments. What works for one may not work for another and in some cases, all that is needed for a solution is a placebo. The belief that a treatment will work is enough to do the trick. Belief is a powerful thing and should not be taken lightly. Biofeedback is the control the body can learn to have over some key functions such as heart rate and sexual desire or gratification fulfillment. Bodies can be trained through manipulation, and a series of reinforcements, to achieve a desired outcome. In the same way that we learn as children to stay away from hot things, many times we were burned in order to learn the lesson. A consistent regimen of positive or negative reinforcements can evoke certain actions or outcomes. Sometimes people will, when on the journey of life, attempt to take shortcuts. Some of these paths lead to enlightenment while others lead to much darker places. Not all drug use is bad and not all problems can be solved with a pill. However, some humans are not in places physically or emotionally that are conducive to reaching their perceived goals. At times, a mood-altering drug can have very beneficial effects. Psychoactive substances can open doors that, through meditation, would take a lifetime to open.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Mesopotamia and China
Although Mesopotamia and China had similarities in politics, economics, social organization, and religion between 8000 BCE – 600 CE, they also had differences. Both Mesopotamia and China followed the same pattern to state and empire building (Supanick, Notes 2012). They both also had agricultural and trade societies (Supanick, Notes 2012). Both also had social inequities and were both polytheistic (Supanick, Notes 2012). They also had important differences, Mesopotamia's empires were replaced by outside groups as in China's empires being replaced by other chinese (Supanick, Notes 2012).Also, Mesopotamia had a lot of long distance trade, while China trade more internally, with the exception of the Han (Supanick, Notes 2012). They also had differences in their social stratification, Mesopotamia had a major priest class. China had one but is was not important as the one in Mesopotamia (Supanick, Notes 2012). Religiously, China had a diversity in religion, as in Mesopotamia's one religion (Supanick, Notes 2012). China and Mesopotamia had many political similarities. Both civilizations were threatened by invaders.Mesopotamia was threatened by many invaders that sometimes conquered and established empires in the area, like the Assyrians and Babylonians. The biggest invaders of China were the Xiongu, a nomadic group from the north. Both were invaded for many reasons. One reason was the invaders were trying to expand and/or conquer. Also, the geography of the areas predisposed invasion. Another political similarity was the type of government, which was monarchy. Mesopotamia had many different leaders, the first was Sargon, followed by Hammurabi. China also many leaders, the emperor at the height of the Han was Wudi.Monarchs arose in Mesopotamia and China because peoples were seeking protection and power. A final political similarity was the order of state and empire building. Both China and Mesopotamia followed this order: Rise of Agriculture to Villages to City -States to Kingdoms to Empires. Both civilizations followed this pattern because of population growth, that allowed them to expand and grow. Mesopotamia and China also had political differences. Both civilizations had many different empires, however Mesopotamia had more than China. Mesopotamia empires were being replaced frequently, as in China empires lasted longer.Mesopotamia had many empires coming in and replacing each other. Sargon and the Akkadians were the first, then Hammurabi and the Babylonians, then the Assyrians, and then Nebuchadnezzar and the Babylonians. While China only had the Qin, that was later replaced by the Han. This difference occurs because Mesopotamia had many invaders and the geography made them open for invasion, as in China they didn't have to worry about many invaders and had protection by having parts of the great wall to protect them. Another political difference is the groups of people who conquered the empires.In Mesopotamia, their empire were conque red by external invaders, as in China their empires were conquered by other chinese civilizations. In Mesopotamia, the Babylonians were conquered by the Assyrians, an external invader. In China, the Qin empire eventually replaced with the Han, a chinese civilization. Like other differences this happens because of invaders and geography. Mesopotamia has many invaders and is open to invasion while China is composed of many neighboring chinese civilizations protected by some parts of great wall and only have some invaders.Not only does Mesopotamia and China have political similarities they also have economic similarities. One economic similarity is their mode of production which is Agriculture and Trade. Mesopotamia did a lot of trade and farming, they farmed wheat and barely. China grew rice and millet and trade mostly internally until the Han and the Silk Road. Both civilizations were agricultural and trade societies because their geography allowed them to farm and trade easily. Anot her economic similarity is agricultural technologies.Both civilizations created many ways to make farming easier. They both made irrigation systems and agricultural tools like the wheel. They both created new technologies to make farming easier and more productive. Mesopotamia and China also had economic differences. Mesopotamia and China did not always traded long distances. Mesopotamia traded long distances, unlike the chinese who only traded internally. Mesopotamia and China traded to get things they couldn't, but China only traded internally because they were ethnocentric.They thought they were superior to others and would be thought as soiled if they were dealing with foreigners. However, when the Han took over China they established the Silk Road that they traded long distantly on. Another economic difference is what they grew. China grew rice and millet, while Mesopotamia grew wheat and barely. This difference occurs because of their geography and climate. Mesopotamia's geogr aphy and climate was favorable to wheat and barely, while China's was favorable to rice and millet. Mesopotamia and China also had social similarities.Both civilizations had major inequities in society. China's stratification was: Emperor, Nobles, Peasants, and Merchants. Mesopotamia's stratification was: Emperor, Priest, Nobles, Artisan, Peasants/Slaves. The upper class in both societies made up about 5% of the population while the peasants and slaves made up 95% of it. However the upper class got 95% of the wealth, while the peasants and slaves got 5% of it. This occurred because people with power were not interested in sharing and didn't care for those below them. Another similarity is the Emperor was the all powerful leader.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Multi-state E.coli Outbreak
A person having diarrhea with loose stools greater than 3 bowel movements in a day with or without abdominal cramps, who is a resident of Michigan, having onset of symptoms between the 15th of June and 15th of July and the  stool cultures yielding E.coli 157:H7. (Lautenbach, E., 2008).  (Multistate Outbreak of E.coli O157:H7 Infection, 2008)It is an infection leading to severe abdominal cramps and bloody diarrhea. Non bloody diarrhea can also occur, or it may also be that the patient will have no symptomatic complaints. The causative organism is E.coli O157:H7 which has an incubation period of 3 to 8 days with a median of 3-4 days. (Lautenbach, E. 2008).  . In people in extremes of age groups I.e. elderly and children under 5 years of age, the infection can also lead to complications like Hemolytic uremic syndrome.AdvantagesBy including a lab test as criteria for case confirmation, the specificity of the case definition increases hence the power of the test increases and so do the chances to detect the source.DisadvantagesInvestigation: by making lab investigations like stool cultures and PFGE a criterion, people who had the symptoms but were not able to visit the doctor were not counted as having the disease, hence the sensitivity of the definition decreased.By only taking residents of Michigan into consideration, people who were visitors and might have got infected were excluded from the count.Slight alterations could be made to the case definition.Proposed Case DefinitionA person having diarrhea with loose stools greater than 3 bowel movements in a day with or without abdominal cramps. The person may be a resident or may have visited Michigan a week prior to having onset of symptoms between the 15th of June and 15th of July. A person with clinically compatible picture who is epidemiologically linked with a confirmed case of E.coli infection. The stool cultures yielding E.coli 157:H7.The lab testing requirement still has to remains, to ensure specifi city and power of the definition.Comparison between age groups:In the Michigan outbreak, it was noted that more than twice as many females were infected as were males. People in age groups of 20-39 and 40-59 were reported most frequent cases in the Michigan outbreak. Food net on the other hand reported nation wide distribution of cases almost equally in males and females, i.e. 162 to 178 respectively. They also documented that largest segmented of population infected in 1997 was in the age group of 1-9 years.This pattern shows that in the Michigan outbreak, the source most probably started with some sort of interaction between source and the adult females of age between 20-59years. Inquiry about diseaseE.coli infection is mainly an oral-fecal transmission pathway. Hence poorly chlorinated water, unpasteurized milk are common fluid sources. Uncooked or improperly cooked beef another forms of meat are another likely source of transmission. Vegetables directly from farms or stores, which are not properly washed, like lettuce, spinach alfalfa etc are another source of infection. (Escherichia coli O157:H7, 2005).  Exposure to farm animals, or contact with infected people are also risk factors. In the United States infected children in daycare centers also a major source of spread. So questions pertaining to contact and handling of the above stated risk factors should be asked.Source of the outbreak according to the currently present evidence is alfalfa sprouts. Contaminated alfalfa seeds initially caused the outbreak and then the infection easily spread through person to person transfer. The leading hypothesis is that contaminated alfalfa sprouts or seeds of alfalfa sprouts were the initial cause of the outbreak.People who consumed these foods in the area of Michigan got infected with E.coli O157:H7 and then the infection were further transferred to other people with whom they came into contact.REFFERENCES:Escherichia coli O157:H7 (2005). Division of Bacteria l and Mycotic Diseases, Center for Disease Control and Prevention. Retrieved March 6, 2008, from, E. (2008).  Outbreak Investigation: Discussion Group. Pennsylvania department of health. Retrieved March 6, 2008, from Outbreak of E.coli O157:H7 Infection, (2008). Retrieved March 6, 2008, from Â
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Managerial Functions
The management functions according to Henry Fayol are planning, decision-making, communication, organizing, leadership, motivation, control and coordination. These functions are important for all types of organization whether it is small, medium or largeOr whether they are private or public organizations. The success or failure of any organization is primarily depends on how effective these functions are carried out in an organization. This particularly true in the current dynamic economic, technological. Social and political climate of the 21st century. In addition it is becoming very vital the success or failure depends on how the above managerial functions are carried out in a global economic environment and challenges of environmental issues and climate change.The Distribution center of Walmat serves 120 stores and it is a hub, which ensures the stores have the correct products with appropriate quality and as well it ensures the stocks, arrives at stores in time and there is an a dequate stock to serve the customers in the respective stores where the distribution center is responsible. Say I am working as a Supervisor for a section, which is responsible to the distribution to Super Centers in a given area. I am directly responsible to the Distribution center chief manager.The planning function gives an organization direction and sets the objectives as an organization as a whole and also objectives for the sub-units. It also is a tool to use limited resources to use effectively and efficiently and reduce waste so that the organization is competitive and meets the goals consistently in the short and in the long term. In this regard as a Supervisor I have to schedule the day to day work load and have a contingency plan if some staff do not come in a day and how I can reschedule the activities so that I can meet the deadlines and ensure the stocks arrives at the Super centerIn time. In this manner I have to plan activities and implement the plan on a day- to-day basis to meet the objectives of the Distribution center my responsibilities in accordance with procedures and policies of the center and the directions of my manager. Decision-making refers to the question of what to produce, how to produce, when to produce, how to distribute to plan, organize and control activities. As a Supervisor forSuper centers I have to allocate staff for different activities and I have to make decisions regarding the allocation of staff, As well to schedule tasks I have decide the how I can control the workflow with limited interruptions and improve the time taken for each activity as well to make decisions the timing of processing the orders from the Super Center. As well I have to arrange and use transport to deliver the stocks to the Super center and decide the timing and the type of transport needed. That is I have to make decisions in regards to planning, organizing, control and motivate staff to meet deadlines and ensure a smooth workflow with little interruptions.In any organization the organization uses capital, natural resources and above all human resources or manpower to convert raw materials in to value added products. To accomplish this the organization must recruit the appropriate people in terms of skill, personality and values compatible with the organization, train them if necessary to upgrade skills, motivate them to use their maximum potential by identifying intrinsic and extrinsic motivational factors.As a supervisor I have to ensure adequate staff to perform the activities monitoring the demand for each activity and inform the chief manager on a regular basis to recruit staff for a particular area of work and inform the manager the training needs of staff if identified any inadequacies of their skills observed and in performance evaluations and recommend staff for promotion to the chief manager of the Distribution center.Managers have to communicate with internal staff above them and below them as well as to external bodies. In my day-to-day work I have to communicate with my staff to motivate and to direct them and allocate the resources they need to perform their tasks as well have to communicate and report the progress of my section to the chief manager in written form in accordance with procedures and policies.I have to deal orally and writing with the suppliers and with the Super Center to plan and control activities to ensure the schedules are revised and activities are reorganized and the work processes and the logistics in the Distribution Center is reengineered to improve efficiency in consultation with my chief Manager within my work responsibilities.Organization means the organizational structure such as Authority and responsibility, line of communication, internal control systems, decision-making mechanisms, and logisticsTechnological and information system infrastructure, management culture and style, types and number of divisions and departments, levels of management , procedures and policies regarding particular activities which are routine by nature as well as General code of conduct and policies relating to human resource management and other important functions.As a Supervisor I must know my Distribution center organizational structure and how it fits with Wal Mart so that I can work and know how my work is related with other divisions within the center and know the computer and other internal control systems to work in accordance with such procedures and to enable to use decision-making mechanism tolls computer and other tolls to plan and organize and control activities within my responsibility and to report in accordance with the chain of command and to go beyond my official authority without prior permission.As well I have to organize activities by allocating tasks to my staff and ensure they work in accordance with procedures and policies applicable to their work and apply my managerial style compatible with my staff profile and compatib le with the managerial style of my Chief Manager and with the Wal marts managerial style acceptable to the management culture.Motivation is an important and complex function of management in all levels including the low level management. Motivation means providing appropriate incentives monetary and non-monetary reward systems to maximize the use of the potential of all staff.Have a performance evaluation system to enhance performance and provide carrier opportunity to staff, which has the initiative, ambition, skill and appropriate values personality, which is compatible with the organizational culture. As a Supervisor as discussed above I have to understand the complexity of motivation and must identify the motivational factors and provide incentives and give meaningful tasks to staff to motivate them to perform and use their full potential and to retain skilled staff which is a scarce resource and vital for the competitive edge of the organization as a whole.Managers also must show leadership qualities such as knowledge providers, mentors and facilitators for the staff working for them and to harness their skill and upgrade their skill and shape behavior so that the staff meets the goals of the organization not goals that are not compatible organizational goals as a whole. As mentioned above as a Supervisor I will act as a role model, a mentor a facilitator and a knowledge provider and always tries to upgrade there energy level in a high level and maintain them so that their effort level is high and their morale is high.Coordination is necessary to work with other divisions and with external clients to meet the goals set for the Distribution Center with the Overall Objectives of Wal mart. As a Supervisor I have to coordinate with suppliers, with other divisions with the Distribution center to plan and control activities to maximize the efficiency of the distribution center not by unit alone in the expense of the distribution center but also add value to the Wal mart as a whole as I acknowledge different divisions may have different objectives and  they are not always compatible and one has to strike a balance between technical objectives, human objectives, sales objectives and cost objectives to plan and control activities.Control processes are important as it gives feedback on the results of operations to the managers in the form of reports quantitative and qualitative or regular feedback to managers immediately above on a regular basis so that they can adjust the plan or improve the processes and control cost and rectify weaknesses in operational efficiency and innovate new products on a continuous basis to survive and grow in the short and n the long term.As a Supervisor for Super enter delivery I will give feedback on how to improve efficiency by improving work processes and system and application of technology and better decision making and information system within the organization as well prepare reports in accordance with procedures to measure the performance of the Divisions to control cost and to improve productivity and innovation within the distribution center.The Chief manager of the Distribution center has to plan for the operation as whole and revise plans based on the feedback from the divisional managers and have to plan for capital expenditure and investment decisions which will improve efficiency within the budget and also plan for man power and budget for expenditures and logistic plans within the distribution center. In staffing the chief manager has to make decisions of the best method to recruit staff, best reward system, promotional policies and assessment systems training of staff.In relation to decision making he has to make decisions how to plan effectively using technology and other methods, determine best logistic planning and scheduling the activities, cost control methods, make decisions as how to control quality and quality control processes and syste ms, how to motivate staff, effective methods of coordination of different systems, best feedback mechanism and frequency, appropriate management style.He has to communicate with finance department, Information technology department, suppliers and stores he is responsible and with other distribution center managers on a regular basis as well as with divisional managers and staff. In controlling activities he must establish feedback mechanism and regular reports to identify problem areas and to identify causes and improve efficiency of the processes and systems and to improve the performance to meet the objectives of the Distribution center.In motivating staff he must identify the intrinsic and extrinsic motivational factors and provide incentives and by enhancing the work of staff and supervisors and providing meaningful work. As the external environment is dynamic and in a global economic environment the Walmart must become more adaptable and there fore the work and duties of all ma nagement will become more complex and they must revise their systems and processes on a faster face than ever before and must become a team oriented organization than functional and become more flexible in their work practices in the future.BibliographyCarrol.Archie.B. (1993), Three Types of management Planning: Making Organization Work, Management Quarterly, 34, 1, Retrieved February, 15, 2007, from (n.d) Retrieved February, 15, 2007, from K & Kroat.Allen.I. (1999) Evolving practices in Human Resource Management: Responses To a Changing World, London Manel (ed), Retrieved February, 15, 2007 from (2002), Lower-Level and Middle-Level Management as the Recipients and Actors of Human Resource Mnagement & Organization, International Studies of Management, Retrieved 15, 2007 from https:/ /
Friday, September 13, 2019
W7A Back-up and Recovery Plan in Data Warehousing Essay
W7A Back-up and Recovery Plan in Data Warehousing - Essay Example le backups; (5) â€Å"synchronization of the backups with the daily incremental loads; (and finally, (6) saving of the incremental load files to be included as part of recovery if applicable†(p. 507). For the recovery options, Ponniah (2010) provided suggestions that would assist data warehouse administrators in designing which options would cater to the organization’s requirements. One of the recovery options would be to use best practices through an examination of various disaster scenarios and how the organization managed to recover the information. The recovery procedure would thereby be adjusted according to the needs of the organization, as well as the time required to recover crucial data. From the strategies recommended for back-ups (separating schedules for static and active data, as well as differential and log file back-ups with daily incremental loads), the data warehouse administrator should be able to recover the needed information within clearly stipulated time frames. The scope of back-up functions actually depends on the volume and kind of data that requires backing-up. As noted, there are active and static data where the frequency of back-up schedules would differ (more frequent back-up schedules for active data in conjunction with less frequent back-up schedules for static data) (Ponniah, 2010). Likewise, depending on the incremental data that the organization puts in on a daily basis, the scope of the back-up function follows accordingly. To ensure readiness to recover from disasters, the back-up files must be stored in strategic areas that are safe and secure. Likewise, point persons who could be authorized and assigned to perform relevant functions pertinent to back-up and recovery should be aware of their respective roles and responsibilities in the process. As emphasized, the data warehouse administration should be prepared in addressing the following questions and concerns: (1) downtime that users could tolerate during the recovery
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Racism in the United States in the Context of Freedom of Expression Essay
Racism in the United States in the Context of Freedom of Expression and Freedom of Association - Essay Example Some of these people have made racist associations strong and thereby passing extremist messages (Bleich 81). These people act the way they do, in some cases, a bid to overcome dilemmas just like Allen presents in Where I come from Is Like This, â€Å"Most Indian women I know are in the same bicultural bind†¦ We resolve the dilemma in various ways†¦ We act in these destructive ways because we suffer from the societal conflicts caused by having to identify with two hopelessly opposed cultural definitions of women†(Allen 45). When individuals are denied the chance of organizing themselves into groups, they will have a difficult time presenting their views or opinions in a democratic society. Majority of the people in the United States and other nations such as Western Europe do not value freedom of association. This is because they join private clubs, bowling leagues, and political parties without any reason. They have become accustomed to the associations such that l imiting or denying any group from organizing to further their interests is considered to be limiting their desires to promote a vibrant political sphere and civil society (Bleich 85). This is evident in Paula Gunn Allen’s article Where I Come From Is Like This. Allen states that members of her community resolve issues and dilemmas in many ways; partying all the time, drinking in excess, and engaging in violent exchanges (Adams 203). This indicates the way the people have become accustomed to associations that link them on a common agenda. Countries measure freedom of association against racism in a number of ways. Racists’ autonomy in the United States has been aggressively protected. Groups or associations such as the Ku Klux Klan, racist skinhead crew, anti-Semitic black separatist groups, and small neo-Nazi parties function legally and openly in the United States. Southern Poverty Law Center in Alabama has tracked these groups, and associations for years and it stat es that there were 900 of them in 2008, indicating an increase in 200 active hate groups since 2000. The modern interpretation of Constitution in the United States has made the freedom of association a fundamental right thus making it nearly difficult to outlaw a group on the basis of its racist characteristics (Bleich 86). Protection of the racist groups in the United States can be equated to Harlem in the James Baldwin’s Sonny’s Blues. The Harlem community is faced with numerous problems such as poverty, frustration, and drugs. However, the community members come together to protect and watch over one another. The adults use most of their time in the afternoon sharing stories and offering their children a sense of protection and warmth. The â€Å"music becomes the means for the brother’s reconciliation and functions as an â€Å"art of communion†which extends the meaning of each individual’s ‘blues’ (i.e., sorrow) to become a metaph or for the African American community in general†(Recker 30). The brothers and the community watch and protect one another despite the problems facing them. Outlawing such an association can be very difficult because of the protection developed among them. Thus, it is the mandate of the United States to show brotherly love to the racist associations as indicated in
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Female Juvenile Delinquents Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Female Juvenile Delinquents - Term Paper Example The essence of this paper is to investigate the status quo of the girl child delinquent and to evaluate the effectiveness of the various mitigation measures that have been put forward. Statistics have proved that there is disproportionate growth of the female juvenile crime rate as compared to that of the opposite gender. According to FBI report (2011), female-child arrests increased by 4% between the year 1999 and 2003 in the U.S. Between 2007 and 2008, the female child arrests for minor crimes increased by about 12% while the rate of male juvenile increased only by 2%. The data from FBI statistics point to an alarming growth of the female crime rate, while the effort to control male juvenile seems to be yielding a good reap. In addition, the statistics analysts have predicted that going by the projection of this crime scenario, female juvenile would get out of control by the year 2014. Resultantly, there is a need for quick and effective intervention procedures contain female delin quency before it is out hands. Research has associated the offending behavior of the girl child to a lot early age victimization of this gender. Physical, sexual and emotional harassment predisposes young girls to the risk of engaging in future offending actions. Scholars have identified a causal relationship between female juveniles and a history of victimization during their early age of growth. According to Acoca (2000, p. 48), most of the females offendants who have been arrested have a history of some form of harassment. These scholars believe that female children resort to crime as a way of settling their emotional distress that is hard to cope. Moreover, the female child is more prone to victimization than the male child, which explains why there is a disproportionate growth in crime rate among female child. Various forms of victimization have been manifested among the sample cases that have been used for research. Rape, violent beating, stabbing and clack of parental care we re among the cases that affected many girls at the age of 13 and 14 years. The FBI (2011) blamed increase in child victimization for the rise in female child defendants. According to psychologists, victims of violence manifest symptoms of post-traumatic stress, which if not properly managed can permanently impair the social behavior of the girl child. Most psychologists have drawn an analogy of female delinquency to the condition of battered woman syndrome that is manifested among married women (Paludi, 2011). The similarity between the two is that both are runaways for victims of some form of violence. The Detroit Police Department reported that females who suffered rape either from strangers or from members of their family had a higher risk of engaging in crime. Another trigger for female delinquency is the lack of or poor parenting. Children who have their parents dead either through murder or any other reason ended up indulging in crime. Most orphaned females end up dropping out of school, risk getting pregnant at adolescence and in some instances end up in drug abuse. Eventually, they end up being enrolled in criminal groups as the only consolation for their stressful life. There is more to worry about since these female delinquents end up being the women criminals in the society (Siegel & Welsh, 2008).
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Would Tom Sawyer Have Been Prescribed Ritalin Essay
Would Tom Sawyer Have Been Prescribed Ritalin - Essay Example As the discussion highlights obviously, lack of control leads to decrease in the discipline. The diagnosis itself is relative because the border between impulsive personality and disorder is defined by the community. In the UK and Japan, the definition of impulsive personality seems to be broader because children in these countries are prescribed Ritalin not so often. While some doctors give to their patients more and more Ritalin prescriptions, others state that children can do without it because this drug serves as a â€Å"quick-fix†of the problem which does not cope with its causes. In this debate, I agree with Dr. Diller that better parental care and less pressure can result in better discipline and Tow Sawyer will live without Ritalin. The biggest problem children face in their life is represented by various demands. Children are required to be obedient; they have to meet different standards, pass various tests and participate in boring activities. These demands can caus e bad and impulsive behavior in children. It is not a disorder, but a logical reaction of a person to the situation when people are forced to do something they totally dislike. If children misbehave at school they do not necessarily have ADHD; it is possible that they cannot concentrate on tasks which do not fit their personality. The biggest pressure at school is the need for high performance. When I studied at school, my parents always wanted me to be the best in the class. When I was worse than other kids, they tended to push on my forcing me to study something I disliked. I cannot say that their efforts were effective because they only destroyed my desire to learn the subjects where I could not succeed. Different studies show that Ritalin does help to concentrate on boring tasks, but it is helpless at improving
Monday, September 9, 2019
Intangible assets Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Intangible assets - Research Paper Example The increased globalization of international trade and investment has been accompanied by adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards IFRS by many countries. Other reasons for the adoption of IFRS are that international investors can access and understand more information with regards to capital markets and financial statements. In addition, adoption of IFRS decreases the cost of doing business across borders. There are differences on the reporting requirements between US GAAP and IFRS. Firstly, US GAAP differentiates specific financial instruments that are liabilities if they fall within the categorization of being both debt and equity. On the other hand, IFRS requires that such categorization should focus on whether there are contractual obligations involved in delivery of an organization’s own equity shares, cash or assets2. Another key difference relates to the presentation of financial statements. IFRS requires the preparation of a third balance sheet with related notes at the start of the comparative period where an entity restates the financial statements or adopts a new accounting policy. Meanwhile, there are no such requirements under the US GAAP. IFRS forbids presentation of extraordinary items in income statements whilst the US GAAP is confined to unusual and infrequent entries. Under stock costing methods, IFRS is strictly prohibited while under US GAAP LIFO is allowed, but a consistent cost formula must be used. The measurement of stock uses the lower cost of market value in US GAAP whilst IFRS values inventory at the net realizable value or the lower cost 3. The concept of intangible assets is found under US GAAP in (ASC 350) intangibles Goodwill and others (ASC 805) Business combinations and (IFRS 38) Intangible Assets or IFRS 3(R) Business Combinations. Similarly, both systems view intangible assets as identifiable non monetary assets without physical substance. Identifiable
Sunday, September 8, 2019
DOM and its impact on web development techniques Essay
DOM and its impact on web development techniques - Essay Example DOM level 2 was introduced in 2000. The level has event model and supports XML namespaces and CSS. DOM level 3 is the current DOM specifications release published in 2004. It has added additional features for XPath, Keyboard event handling, and serialization interface for documents like XML. DOM level 4 is currently in the process of being developed. As at 2005, majority of the W3C DOM were effectively supported through common browsers like Microsoft Internet Explorer Version 6, Mozilla, Firefox, and Opera (Koch, 2001). To produce documents like HTML page, majority of the web browsers internal DOM model. The nodes of documents are arranged in DOM tree structure, with the document object being the topmost node. When HTML page is opened in browsers; the HTML is downloaded into the local memory, and automatically displays the page on the screen (Guisset, 2009). DOM supports all navigation directions and allows arbitrary modifications; hence implementation buffers documents that are
Saturday, September 7, 2019
20th century differed from the world at the end of the 19th century Term Paper
20th century differed from the world at the end of the 19th century - Term Paper Example Asians and African have tried to function in the power structure; however, this structure of power has been engineered to uphold Western rule over economic, social, and geo-political articles (White, pg 98). At the beginning of the 20th century, racial and gender, discrimination still prevailed in the society. Even though the 19th century had seen the end of the Atlantic slave trade, the struggle for equality of Africans in the white population of Europe, South America, and North America sustained. All through the century, the societal taboo regarding gender discrimination decreased. The end of the 20th century witnessed that in almost all regions of the globe, women’s rights equaled that of men. Moreover, not only did people of other cultures get equal rights by the society, but most people criticized racial discrimination as well (White, pg 98). The term Specialism was created during the 1970s, as society began to wonder at, and question humanity’s natural prejudice regarding other species. The closing years of the 19th century, and the whole of the 20th century saw considerable amount of industrial development. Americans abandoned many farms and small towns in favor of industries and factories. These industries and factories, created for mass yield and exemplified on precipitous hierarchy, depended on manual labor, and small salaries. Labor unions slowly gained power in these surroundings. In time, they attained considerable advancements in working circumstances. They also succeeded in modifying American politics: most of the time siding with the Democratic Party, labor unions made up a crucial part of most of the social legislation endorsed from the 1930s, from the time of President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal, until the Kennedy and Johnson governments in the 1960s. Structured labor is still a significant economic and political power today;
Importance Of The Internet Essay Example for Free
Importance Of The Internet Essay The Internet is very helpful for businesses all over the world. It helps speed up many processes in a cost-effective way. Yet the usefulness of the Internet depends on what types of services and products each business. And how they take advantage of what is available. Many businesses may benefit a great deal more than others may. And there are many different benefits depending upon the types of the business, whether it is a supplier, a distributor, or a retailer. Some of the benefits could be; creating a new client base, product analysis, market analysis, expert advice and help, recruiting new employees, fast information access, wide scale information dissemination, fast communications, cost-effective document transfer, peer communications, and new business opportunities. Finding new clients is not as easy as most may think. This process involves an in depth market analysis, product marketing and consumer base testing. Where if a business where to use the Internet it would be much easier because the Internet has several million people from all over the world looking for businesses to invest or subscribe to. It is very easily recruit new clients or customers if your presence on the Internet is known. If your business was on the Internet you will be able to do product analyses and comparisons and report your findings on the net. You may also be able to find at least one other person who will be familiar with a product that you Thompson, 2 are testing or about to purchase or invest in. You can get first hand reports on each product before you purchase it. The Internet has many surveys for an analysis of the market for a new product or idea. These surveys are easy to reach many people so you are able to determine the satisfaction of the users of each product. This will enable you to be able to satisfy your customers easily because most of these are anonymous you will be able to get accurate information to help you understand what is preferred by your customers. The Internet has many experts on it who make it very easy for you to find them. You may even be able to get free advice and help with problems you might have come across from the same people who are paid very highly for their consulting services to large organizations. There are many web sites that have job listings online for employers. Qualified employees always post new resumes to the site. This may inform the employers of the skills hopeful employees will have to offer. So the employee will not have much trouble looking for prospective employers. Getting information over the Internet is much faster on most occasions than doing it via fax or postal courier services. Countries around the world are available to interact with. You can lessen the possibility of the receiver not getting the information needed. You can place documents on the Internet and make them instantly accessible to millions of users. This provides an effective method to present information to the public. This also will improve the availability Thompson, 3 of the documents to a client base larger than the circulation of many major newspapers. Electronic mail, also known as email has provided to be an effective solution to the problem of telephone tag. This still has the speed of telephone conversations and still provides the semi-permanence of postal mail. This can be sent from just about anywhere where there is an Internet service. This takes a very short period of time and saves a lot of money over postal or courier services, which can also suffer late deliveries, loss or damage. So as you can see the Internet is very valuable to many businesses all around the world. It allows things to be processed faster and for the most part much safer. I think that it would be in the best interest of most businesses to participate actively in the Internet.
Friday, September 6, 2019
Monopolistic vs Oligopolistic Essay Example for Free
Monopolistic vs Oligopolistic Essay Monopolistic and Oligopolistic are pretty much the same except for the size of the manufacturing companies. In simple terms, a monopoly is where there is a single seller in the marketing industry and an oligopoly is where there is small group of sellers in the same field in marketing industries. When it comes to a monopolistic competition, this is where a market structure has a large number of sellers, each of which is relatively small and posse a very small market share. An oligopoly market is where there are fewer large producers who are present in the industry world and account for most of the output in the industry, there are many small firms but these few large firms dominate and have concentrated market shares. Oligopoly also has more barriers to entry than a monopolistic. I would say that Comcast the cable company is a Monopolistic competition in the market right now. The reason I say this, is because there is not much options for entertainment when it comes to cable. Comcast has made their name around the country, providing what other companies are not. Making them a monopoly amounts other companies. I would consider breakfast cereal companies an oligopoly because there are four breakfast cereal manufactures that I know of, Kellogg, Post, Quaker and General Mills. Because there are only four companies competing to make breakfast cereal, they are called an oligopoly. Whereas, only one company competing to provide cable TV to the customers, they are called monopoly.
Thursday, September 5, 2019
Working in Partnership in Health and Social Care
Working in Partnership in Health and Social Care Introduction: The term â€Å"Health and Social Care†is related to those integrated services, which are provided from health and social care. That means they should provide people all of the services that are related with health and society. This term can also mean that, it should be taken as a vocational and academic course from various kind of academic and vocational level such as A-Level. Biology, Nutrition, Law and social policy, Ethics, Nursing, Social and educational activities and many others types of courses also allowed as the part of health and social care. Working in partnership is the work which is done by many people. When people doing same work with partners at a same time is known as working with partnership. When a task is about health and social care is usually known as working in partnership in health and social care. They work for people in health and social care sectors and provide facilities. The age of medical revolution of health care over many years ago were deled with very little importance. Even till about 20th century, the condition of medical awareness has startled people very much, they know that social health care services are only provide for dirt-poor people that means for those people who can’t give a better life because hospitals are expensive and also demanded for wealthy people. But at this time people can understand and they also know that these services are provide for all kind of people an working in partnership for health and social care make it more easy. TASK 1 1.1: Philosophy of working in partnership in health and social care services: (a) Concept of partnership: The main concept of working in partnership is sharing. It is actually pointed by respect for one another, right to information, competence and value accorded to input from each and everyone. As summary, every partner is seen as having to contribute with something, share of power, every decision is taken by discussion jointly, and roles are not respected but also backed by legal and moral rights. There are few other philosophies in working in partnership that marked partnership working. These philosophies are empowerment, freedom, humanity, impartiality, honesty, equity, trust, and respect. There should be much key point to mark different of partnership: Shared learning Cooperating Teamwork Collaboration Joint education Joint practice Working with discipline Participating and also should be more point. †¢ Levels of learning, teaching and assessment of working with partners: There should confusion about the meaning of the term â€Å"partnership†because of variation in approaches to the learning, teaching and assessment of partnership work. That’s why we have to particularly clear about the use of this term here. Here marked many types of partners in work field: Student and user in social work Educator and student Educator and stakeholder including users Assessor and stake holder including users Employer and practitioners Higher-education institution and stakeholder Student from social work and from another profession Student from social work with others on same program Educators from social work academics from other discipline (b) Philosophy: Working in partnership, both of two across social care and with service users has been a relentless theme of the health and social care modernization agenda. Despite of a relatively evidence base which is underdeveloped, the development of these partnerships has continued to feature in recent policy. The concept of ‘partnership’ and ‘collaboration’ have become amongst the critical themes of Labor’s policy, particularly in respect TASK 2 2.1: models of partnership working across the health and social care sector: It has been said by the Government that this passed program will be based on the principles of freedom, responsibility and fairness and also the 1st priority of the government will be to reduce the shortage and restore economic growth. Locally, the way of the public sector in the Cambridgeshire has been engaging in discussed by partners with work together. They recently agreed about the need to develop another new model of working in partnership for the county. Government priorities: In the coming years, public sectors will change importantly on an unexampled scale. This is referable in role to the decrease in spending necessary power brought about by the Coalition Government to decrease the national shortfall. There also exist another ideological shift – a rivet on a smaller land, and developing of power to a local level and also putting power into the hands of federal communities. The purposes and the responsibilities of all of levels of Government are changing. Following the issues of the alignment’s agreement of impotencies for their parliamentary term, officers have been evaluating of overall proposals as well as starting to analyses the potential significance. This part sets out many of the main significance for the partnership as a consequence of the policies so far plans by the Government. Proposal of local government: A number of proposals was included by the Coalition Agreement for local Government. Government’s main priority is provincialism – developing of power to the lowest possible level. This could be to communities themselves in responsibilities of ‘Big society’ – outlined below. In each region, the government has take step to including the removal of the Government offices and removing large parts of regional government. Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP’s) was replaced in Regional Development Agencies (RDA’s) because of their more localization. A key role was played in promoting local economic development was played by LEP’s. LEP’s are wanted to be key in supporting economic growth and rebalancing of economy towards of private sectors and also in driving the delivery of infrastructure to support of growth. State for Communities and Local Government’s secretary has talked of adopting a ‘Tight/Loose’ approach. That means the Government will assume a very rigid approach on a very small number of policies area, as being loose in all others areas, in which they believes that they will promote more freedom for local government. They proposed to introduce a ‘general power of competence’ that will give the power to do anything that they wish and also not illegal to authorities. In theory they have already the power to taking steps in any way to improve the upbeat of their communities, although there have been many doubts about use of that power. Similarly, the Government has promised fewer rules of councils and a reduction in legal duties. The comprehensive Area judgment has been abolished, and there are no plans to remove it. In which this has received a welcome from many authorities, it also may not accomplished the efficiency saving intended. Big society: The big society was a played an important role to conservative policy area in the run up to General Election and is also being taken forward by the coalition government. For the Big society agenda, the government have outlined three Big strands: †¢ Social action †¢ Service for Public Reform †¢ Empowerment of Community This will be accomplished through three techniques: Decentralization Transparency Providing of finance Health: The secretary of state for health published the White Paper on 12th July 2010, â€Å"Equity and Excellence: Liberating the NHS†. This white paper contains a range of proposals, and also will point out Strategic Health Authorities and primary care trusts. Each local authority take the role of joining up the commissioning of local NHS services, health improvement and also for social care. They will therefore be responsible for: †¢ Encourage Integration and Partnership working between the NHS, Public health, Social and many other local services and strategies. †¢ Leading joint strategic needs judgments, and promoting collaboration on local commissioning plans. †¢ Building service changes and priorities partnership. Social care and disability: To make report within a year, the government has devoted to establishing a commission on long term care. They will aim to break down barriers between social care and health funding to incentivize preventive action.
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