Friday, May 31, 2019
Pre-marital Sex in Making Laws for Clouds by Nick Earls :: essays research papers
Making laws for Clouds by author Nick Earls deals with the journey of an 18 year old boy who struggles to cope with the stresses of sexual desire, supporting his family and taking state for his actions. The town in which he lives has strong religious ideals, so when he weakens to the temptations of pre-marital sex he is socially outcast until the town either forgives of forgets his sin. Kanes generate plays the antagonist when it comes to views on his relationship, she has a firm belief from her pervious experiences that the relationship cant work, she has been in the situation Kane is in and cant seem to believe that non all relationships will end the way that hers did, which was in divorce.Pre-marital sex is the main conflict in Making laws for Clouds, it involves the whole community as they deal with the crisis govern upon them by two young members, Kane and Tanika, who gave in to lust at the back of the local church bus. The community deals with it in a rather sweep to a low er place the rug fashion with everybody knowing what happened but nobody talking about it. Father Steel is the one who comes across the pair and the one who mainly deals with it in the confines of the church. Father Steel doesnt tell anyone about what happened but every one gathers for themselves what events took place. Harbros boat catching fire and the pre-marital sex arent related to in the book but when the issues meet it leads to a friendly relationship between Kane and Tanika and Harbo. Harbo becomes a key book of facts in the development in their relationship. Mr. gong is an antagonist to Harbo, he works against the couple because he doesnt like the idea of pre-marital sex because he has high religious beliefs. Yet another character is against the pair because Kanes mother is against them. Each of the characters has a unique point of view on the situation that Kane and Tanika find them selves in.Kane and Tanika both know that this is a honest situation and they know that they could get into trouble but like all teenagers they think that they are different. They believe that because they love each other it will be alright, the church doesnt agree with pre-marital sex which is why they find themselves in so much trouble. Harbo seems to be the only one the young couples side, he has a few discussions with Kane and Tanika during the novel, sharing his thoughts, ideas, life experiences and beliefs upon them.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Flucations In The Australian Dollar :: essays research papers
The Australian Dollar is a "Commodity Currency". A "Commodity Currency" means that its fortunes are heavily certified on the prices of Gold, Copper, Nickel, Coal and Wool. All of these commodities are Australias main exports.At present, commodity prices are low, especially amber. Melbourne-based mining consultant Surbiton Associates said exports of Australian gold were in danger of declining if exploration failed to be supported and production declined as a result. The country produces about $5 billion worth of gold from each one year and over the past 10 years the metal has earned $42 billion in export revenue.Presently, our dollar has been the weakest in history, comparable to the unify States (US) dollar. The record low occurred in early April where it sank to 47.75 US cents. Compared to the US dollar, our Australian dollar buys at present 50.81 US cents. (27 July 2001). It is unrealistic to determine what started the dollars slide or when it started. In this g raph it is visible that the dollar started to drop as far back as April 1997. Although, we can never be sure that the fluctuations are rattling fluctuations in the $A or those of the $US. For that reason the following figure shows the movements in the $A against the trade plodding index (TWI). As its name indicates, the trade weighted index tries to measure the value of the $A against a basket of currencies. Those currencies are chosen to reflect the weight in Australias trade with the countries issuing the currencies in the index.At the moment, the US dollar is very strong. This is surprising considering that the American economy is not very strong. Interest rates in the US basically show the situation. Americas sake rates halt seen five cuts over the last four months to where it now sits at 3.75%. This was the US governments way of trying to kick-start the economy through fiscal policy. This is wherefore many economists believe the US dollar will subside, as there is no backin g in the economy.The Aussie, as it is referred to in foreign markets, is believed to be dependant on the performance of the Japanese Yen and the new Eurodollar, with the three currencies tending to move in tandem. This is because of Australias importing and exporting relationship with the two separate currencies.Interest Rates At the moment the interest rate in Australia sits at 5%. In resent times interest rates have been subject to three cuts.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Web Design :: ÃŒnternet Computers Essays
Web Design All of us at one time or another have surfed the Web. Whether for a school project, to shop for a holiday gift or special item, check a sports score, or precisely for fun our hands and mice have clicked a hyperlink, scrolled a page, instant messaged a friend or used a shopping cart. The web has become such an integral part of everyday lives. It has become the largest center of information. It is no eight-day possible to escape the web. The web is an extremely and primarily visual realm. We interact with what we see on our computer screens. Without its visual components there would be no Internet, as we know it. This, along with the Internets high level of interactivity, makes web design and the layout of a web page of extreme importance. There is technique to produce an effective web page. Since the Internet crash of 2000 that brought along the failure of many amateur and professional sites alike it has become extremely important that the content of a web page is worth the time and money put into to it. Along with this the evolution of high-speed Internet access which has made speed and efficiency a key. Not even a just-for-fun web site will be of any use if it is bogged down by poor design and therefore it cannot deal with a surfers fleeting patience. When designing a web page there are skills and steps that need to be taken to ensure that your web page(s) is practical, efficient, and just plain gets the job done. Skills that are needed include Marketing Defines the purpose and audience Information architecture Designs the organization, navigation, labeling, and searching systems. Graphic Design Finds the graphic personal identity of the site. Editorial Proofreading, editing, content, etc. Technical Programming, Web administration, production, etc. Management Keeps all of the above in line, on time, and in budget.
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